A life of meaning and purpose
This 1980 official portrait by Robert Templeton is in the National Portrait Gallery.
Chip Filson
A life of meaning and purpose
This 1980 official portrait by Robert Templeton is in the National Portrait Gallery.
The five-year NBC TV series Friday Night Lights was the story of a high school football team in the fictional town of Dillon, a small, close-knit community in rural West Texas.
But this reality actually exists all across America. The sports seasons are a central aspect of the high school experience for most American communities. Especially smaller ones.
For example “Coach” Walz’s role in leading his high school football team to a state championship in Minnesota may be better known than anything he did as governor.
It was with much anticipation then, that last Friday I attended the home football game of the Rensselaer, IN, Central High School versus the visiting West Lafayette team. What I took away was not what I expected.
Here is a photo summary of a warm midwestern autumn evening on a playing field carved from acres of cornfields.
The team’s football schedule is announced in every store window in town, featuring just five seniors.
A senior perk: painting their reserved spaces in the school’s parking lot.
The field of football dreams and past glories- 2014 State Champions.
The team ‘s nickname and mascot: the Bombers.
Warmups. RCHS had about 30 varsity players; Lafayette about twice that number. Many of RCHS’s better athletes play both offense and defense.
It was senior night. The Bombers have only five members from this class. As the coach stated: “I play a lot of underclassmen who only show peach fuzz (not started shaving).” Honoring the five:
Entering the field for the game via the Bomber tunnel:
Stands not quite full.
The band presents their pregame show to the music of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Halftime will be used to honor all sporting seniors.
So far the evening was similar, albeit more modern in technology, to when I was in high school. The special occasion for this game was recognizing every senior who had participated in a varsity sport during their four years of high school.
The halftime program featured each senior’s recorded talk while walking out of the Bomber mascot with their parents. The players’ audio summaries included their sport teams, other school activities (Sunshine Club, FFA, etc) and post high school plans such as college or other career options (eg. lineman , CDL training, or the army).
A picture that captures this entire group of at least 50 athletes escorting their parents shows a major difference from my high school days. Sixty years ago there were just three boys sports and no athletic teams for girls in high school.
If you look closely at the photo below, more than half of the senior athletes are girls. Rensselaer has ten teams for them: Volleyball, basketball, tennis, cross country, track, softball, soccer, swimming, golf and yes, even wrestling.
I guess that helps one understand how both a former football coach and a woman now run as one team for the highest political offices in America.
Change often starts at the grassroots sometimes next to farmers’ fields. From these opportunities we develop our self confidence and aspirations for who we want to be. The Friday Night’s experiences are now open for all of us.
PS: For those interested in the outcome, RCHS lost 34-7. However the players’ intensity and fight never wavered.
July 30, National Whistleblowers Appreciation Day, is the publishing date for Community Capital, Race, Equity and the Credit Union Movement.
Clifford Rosenthal and Michel McCray are co-authors. The book’s detailed case study is in Part Two. In an earlier post, I quoted Rosenthal on its significance even today.
The story of Kappa Alpha Psi FCU and its abrupt liquidation in 2010 is recounted in five chapters by McCray with frequent observations from participants and referencing key documents from NCUA.
This excerpt from Chapter 12, Alice in Wonderland, presents a core issue.
Regrettably, NCUA evaluated KAPFCU as if it were a mature credit union, defined as being ten years old with $10 million or more in assets. The accounting rules and regulations are entirely different for these small, new credit unions—but KAPFCU was improperly evaluated based on the much higher standard by NCUA examiners.
Ignoring the improvement in KAPFCU’s NWR to 3.67% by June 30, 2010, NCUA opted to move forward with liquidating the credit union. KAPFCU challenged NCUA’s action, bringing the case to the federal district court in Washington, D.C.
Ironically, KAPFCU’s court case may be the most significant challenge to the NCUA’s authority in recent memory. This tiny African American credit union was contesting the constitutionality of the Federal Credit Union Act and NCUA’s rules and regulations themselves. KAPFCU’s chief complaint was that it had not been afforded the full flexibility allowed under NCUA rules, regulations, and supervisory authority for credit unions of similar size and character. (page 178)
Tomorrow: the clash of personalities and backgrounds.
It is a cliché, but true. The well-being of any organization depends on the quality of board leadership.
Boards select the executive team and, depending on the organization’s bylaws, exercise ongoing monitoring of performance and strategic guidance. In the case of a public board, politically appointed, the board becomes the primary face of the organization to its various constituencies.
Board leadership is a critical skill. Some boards become so dependent on either the CEO (staff) or the chair that their performance is perfunctory, just follow the leader. At other times in the same organization, boards are dynamic, bringing expertise, insight and critical mission debate.
Following is the front page of the January 2008 NCUA News. The lead article is about minority board member Gigi Hyland’s testimony to Congress on the need for flexible and responsive mortgage loan modification options.
The topic was certainly timely in light of the subsequent financial crisis. But what is even more interesting, is that she represented NCUA’s position. The Chairman and vice chair were republican appointees JoAnn Johnson and Rodney Hood. Both also had short articles in this edition about their activities. But the lead story is Hyland’s testimony for NCUA..
Since the 2008-2009 financial crisis, the role of the NCUA board has changed. Sometimes new members have very limited, or no, first-hand experience of credit unions or regulation.
Members have interpreted their responsibilities in different ways. Some have viewed it as merely “policy making” with limited or no staff oversight. Some view the job as a part time time responsibility. It does not even require in-office attendance except on public board meetings which can now be done virtually.
The result of these various understandings, is the Chair can influence board member’s substance and roles in very narrow or expansive ways.
The example above shows a board fully engaged in different responsibilities and communicating with its constituencies in a full and open manner. This NCUA publication no longer exists. Board members now just post individual statements, and sometimes speeches, on NCUA’s web site.
With Chairman Harper on an extended medical leave, the NCUA board’s role becomes more problematic. The message is still the same however. The quality of any organization depends on the board’s leadership.
This comparison from the communication of 2008 suggests the current Board has a lot of ground to make up. Perhaps a first step would be to restore the NCUA News in which each member has an opportunity to discuss what they are focused on.
Many participants see credit unions as having two operating options-either a federal license or a charter issued by one of the forty-five state authorities. Within this second group is a small subset of approximately 100 cooperatively insured credit unions in ten states who are subject to only to their home state regulations.
Traditionally the choice of charter has been an important check and balance when a regulatory system, local or national, becomes unresponsive. Charter conversions go both ways. In 2023 there were 12 changes with nine state charters moving to FCU’s.
Traditionally state regulators and legislatures have been perceived as more accessible and responsive versus the federal system. Some state FOM practices are less complex and CUSO and other authorities more flexible. For example, the majority of bank acquisitions have been by state-chartered credit unions.
But reality is not this simple binary selection. Operating options are more complex than either a state or federal charter.
In a CUSO magazine article summarizing NCUA’s yearend data, the writer pointed out several of these other operating designations.
From the December 2023 data summary: “NCUA reported that the number of federally insured credit unions (FICU) declined to 4,604—156 fewer than there were as of the fourth quarter of 2022. Many of those may have come from low-income designation credit unions, whose numbers dropped by 129 from 2,612 in 2022 to 2,483 in 2023.
“Meanwhile, the number of “complex” FICUs—those with total assets over $500 million—increased by 5 to 714.”
These sub-classifications matter, as they grant additional authorities or impose different regulatory requirements. Newly chartered credit unions have different reserving timeframes in their initial years. NCUA will periodically update the status of Minority Depository Institutions (MDI’s) which it sees as a special class of charters.
In January of this year Callahans, using September 2023 data, published a summary of three other “service designations.” In their full analysis they showed how these operating authorities, low-income (LICU), community development (CDFI), and Juntos Avanzamos. will sometimes overlap.
Source: Callahan & Associates, Peer Suite
The report states 56% of credit unions have at least one designation. Th e most common is NCUA’s LICU held by 55% of all credit unions. The other two designations require certifications. Hence only 9.1% of credit unions are CDFIs and just 2.7% are part of the Juntos Avanzamos network.
The LICU status is by far the most popular and important classification. The status is assigned by NCUA to a credit union in which a majority of its membership qualifies as low-income as defined in Section 701.34 of NCUA Rules and Regulations.
The potential operational advantages include accepting non-member deposits, offering secondary capital accounts, qualifying for exceptions from the member business lending cap, and participating in NCUA’s Community Development Revolving Loan Program.
The Callahan article points out that the 2,590 LICU’s range in size “from less than $100,000 (Holy Trinity Baptist FCU, $25,899, Philadelphia, PA) to more than $20 billion (Golden 1 Credit Union, $20.5B, Sacramento, CA). In the $1B-$10B peer group, 60% are designated as a LICU.”
Of the 432 CDFI-certified credit unions which can access grants from the CDFI Fund, 95% are also LICU’s.
The pervasiveness of the LICU designation has been a focus for groups who oppose credit unions. One critical study by the Tax Foundation expressed the following opinion of the low income designation in a January 30, 2024 article, After 90 Years, It’s Time to Wean Credit Unions of Taxpayer Subsidies:
“More than half of all credit unions have been designated “low-income” institutions, a meaningless term. This designation appears to be little more than a signaling device to allow credit unions (and NCUA) to claim they are serving underserved populations without having to provide any documentation to back it up. The Congressional Federal Credit Union, which serves members of Congress and their staff members, has been a low-income credit union since 2022. Members of Congress are “hardly low-income customers.”
These charter variations create opportunities that a one-size-fits-all regulatory structure may not accommodate. Most credit unions were founded with a unique, and generally limited, field of membership that gave them a unique “persona.” Over time most have moved far beyond this initial market identity.
As the evolution continues, the imperative of a unique identity becomes a challenge. Business model and/or technical innovation are necessary but often not sufficient for competitive differentiation.
While much discussion of innovation focuses on technology or new partnerships, the option to modify a credit union’s organizational definition can be overlooked. Yet these choices may be more strategic in establishing a special market profile. These designations are more than a brand; they are a commitment to a special expertise when serving members.
Other collaborative service networks besides those above have been or are being created. These emerging organizations sponsor specialized products, virtual distribution options, innovative member services and even specialized support organizations such as Inclusiv (a CDFI) or the Global Alliance for Banking on Values.
The critical factor is choices of organizational design and networks. The ability to draw upon many options, not just a single charter model, can help keep credit unions aligned with their member-owners changing circumstances.
In “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales Chaucer celebrate nature’s awakening life and, in humans, the need to once again gather together on pilgrimages. “April” comes from the Latin aperire (to open) and apricus (sunny) as the month of the sun and growth. (Source: Jefferson Reads)
From “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales:
When in April the sweet showers fall
And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all
The veins are bathed in liquor of such power
As brings about the engendering of the flower,
When also Zephyrus* with his sweet breath
Exhales an air in every grove and heath
Upon the tender shoots, and the young sun
His half-course in the sign of the Ram* has run,
And the small fowl are making melody
That sleep away the night with open eye
(So nature pricks them and their heart engages)
The people long to go on pilgrimages …
A Light Exists in Spring
A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period –
When March is scarcely here
A Color stands abroad
On Solitary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.
It waits upon the Lawn,
It shows the furthest Tree
Upon the furthest Slope you know
It almost speaks to you.
Then as Horizons step
Or Noons report away
Without Formula of sound
It passes and we stay –
A quality of loss
Affecting our Content
As Trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a Sacrament.
A note from Music Mission Kiev
An 8-10 page monthly printed internal newsletter, Dixie Digest, was published by Region III staff for a number of years in the mid 1970’s.
Unlike many semi-official government publications, these updates focused solely on the people in the Region. Their retirements, vacations, new hires and occasional conferences. No numbers, no exam or rule updates. Just stories, sometimes irreverent, and plenty of pictures, many submitted by the staff.
One editor, or compiler of this family work album, was Mike Riley who oversaw the production for at least two year (1976-1977) when he was in the Atlanta regional office. After Mike’s death in January, his wife Lori shared his collection of issues with me.
They are a delightful record of a culture of fun, respect and occasional visits from the powers that be in DC. It also is a valuable insight into the early careers of many later leaders of NCUA.
The monthly issues also reflect a very humorous, even playful, wit by Mike. His editorial credo on the front of an issue was, “The Bill of Rights guarantees a Three Press.” Everyone thought typo, and so Mike explained his moto:
“In order to pride a bicentennial flavor to the newsletter, I made up a slogan. However, it was evident that this brilliant pun was not completely acceptable to the masses as they did not understand it. It is now obvious in retrospect that an explanation should have accompanied it.”
He then describes the first ten amendments to the US Constitution and the importance of the first on free speech.
“As most of you know, the Atlanta region of NCUA is numerically classified as three (3). Thusly it would not be unusual to state “This is Region III’s newsletter. By combining two different meanings into one word, we had hoped to make you scoff or twitter. So the “Three” press was purely an attempt at bicentennial humor.”
In the next several years there would be three quick changes at the top of NCUA. In April 1976, the first and to that date, only Administrator of the Bureau of Credit Unions, General Nickerson, submitted his resignation to the President.
The August 1976 edition featured a visit by the General’s successor Austin Montgomery. It was a pictorial record (often with Montgomery’s pipe in hand) of the visit and this summary account of his activity:
“Mr. Montgomery arrives in Atlanta on Tuesday night, July 20, and had dinner with RD and Mrs. Gansfried. On Wednesday morning, he toured the office and met with each member of staff. He later gave an informal talk to the staff and expressed his views on the credit union movement and his management philosophy. He answered questions on a wide range of topics.
In the afternoon he met with League personnel and State Supervisors. All ten states in the Atlanta region were represented. He spent Thursday visiting the Georgia Credit Union League and a credit union where an examination was in process. We were most pleased to have his visit and were impressed with his open, frank manner.”
The January 1978 edition featured the visit of the newly appointed NCUA’s first Chairman, Larry Connell. Accompanying him was Eloise Woods who had been chair of the National Credit Union board of advisors, which was discontinued when the three person NCUA board was fully staffed.
These official visits were not the prime focus of the newsletter. It was the employees who often contributed the many black and white photos for which Mike would create irreverent captions. On one birthday party celebration he wrote of those shown: Ed’s birthday cake. Henry is blessing Ed and Foster Bryant is praying. (one must see the picture)
And there are stories by and about examiners.
Examiner Ron Coleman who recently oved into Jackson MS was immediately initiate into the ranks during a visit in the Mississippi Delta near Greenville, MS. The first night we were on the road, the hotel clerk gave Ron a key to a room that had already been rented and occupied. Ron became aware of the problem when he unlocked the hotel room door and cane face to face with a tall, husky and less-than-pleased construction worker who was at that moment in less than fully clothed condition. Fortunately, Ron survived and was able to obtain another room at the other end of the motel.
I did not arrive at NCUA until late in 1981. Every current and future regional director and many head office personnel came from Atlanta during my tenure. Among the names are Bob Boone, Bernie Gansfried, Steve Raver, John Ruffin and Mike Riley. It was an ideal training ground for a long term career.
In the future I will share several excerpts which capture an office culture of more than the official triad of “Service, Supervision and Support.” It was a group having fun, sharing their lives and work together, all of it captured by the keen wit of Mike’s eye and pen.
(editor’s note: I enjoy looking at records of credit union and NCUA’s earlier years. Often these documents have little relevance and value when their complier moves on. Please let me know if you have some of these potential treasures in your living or storage spaces. And thanks Lori for sharing Mike’s compilations.)
Bucky Sebastian has reached yet another, notable milestone. On February 12, Lincoln’s Birthday, Mr. Sebastian will be rolling the oldometer over one more notch to 80! Eighty years of success in all endeavors: regulator, business entrepreneur, credit union/philanthropy CEO, husband, father, grandfather, fierce friend, free spirit.
Reared in Illinois with 7 siblings – 5 older! – it is surprising that Sebastian survived childhood. The older kids tried to make sure Bucky knew “his place” in the world – last at the table, remain silent until asked, remember you exist only to serve – us! Given the circumstances, Bucky learned early how to fight, regardless of the odds; was imbued with a servant’s heart; but never fully overcame his bashfulness and reluctance to speak.
After high school, Bucky decided to become a priest, but the Jesuits wouldn’t have him. The Jesuits evidently found Bucky a bit too “over the top”, too evangelical!. Perhaps they feared a devil’s advocate? At that age – or at any age for that matter – subtlety was not Bucky Sebastian’s best trait.
Bucky also had some difficulty with the Jesuit vows of “poverty, chastity, and obedience”. He could accept poverty, would work on chastity, but obedience – well he seemed to lack that gene. Anyway, he didn’t like the limited prospect of preaching only once a week! Having decided he couldn’t work for God, Sebastian made the next best choice; he decided to play at being God…and went to Loyola to become a lawyer. The Jesuits tried to hide their disappointment!
Having graduated, and having his never-really-lacking self-confidence reaffirmed with the law degree; Bucky was now even more convinced: that he knew what was right, he knew what you needed, and he was determined to make sure you knew what you needed. So, his next career choice was also entirely logical; he became a financial regulator, ending up at the NCUA. Regulators like telling folks what to do; and, most importantly to Bucky, can usually speak at length without fear of interruption.
At NCUA, Sebastian became an oratorical outrage – and an immediate problem. A bane to pomposity and self-importance, Mr. Sebastian taunted the status quo and all infestations of mindless, conventional wisdom. He was a mischievous mocker, a red hot provocateer. Sebastian invented the novel idea at NCUA that a regulator should listen first and speak last – still reluctantly used.
Bucky Sebastian’s thinking has always been expansive, his mouth more so – with profoundly, positive results! He made folks uncomfortable, prodding them to say what they thought, explain why, and then challenging their thinking. Stand and deliver, prove your point or die trying. Fatalities were not infrequent. But in doing so, he changed minds, he changed hearts – for the better.
But, Bucky Sebastian’s impact was profound even when in error. In 1982, Mr. Sebastian opined that federal credit unions could pretty much forget having any limits on their membership. A bench of Lawyers Supreme said, “un-huh”. An all-hands-on-deck credit union movement effort was required to convince Congress to bail Mr. Sebastian out – which they did, creating a new, brighter future for credit unions.
Sebastian, if you know the man, to this day still asserts that the Lawyers Supreme erred in that decision; claims that Lincoln was born on his birthday, not vice-versa; and that when President Lincoln led off his most famous speech with “Four score…”, Lincoln was simply trying to say…
Happy Birthday, Wendell “Bucky” Sebastian!
(… wouldn’t try to argue with him about it, if I were you!)
Christmas decorations at Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Advent wreath
Christmas flowers-Lo How Roses Ere Blooming
The tree with wrapping paper chains and children’s decorations
Indoor wreaths
Bell choir at the ready
An empty sanctuary waiting for Christmas eve worshippers
At the National Cathedral’s nativity scene animals, shepherds, magi, Joseph and children are ready to welcome baby Jesus and Mary on Christmas eve.