The Revolution Credit Unions Are Missing

During my college days five decades ago, the primary work-study jobs were dorm crew, dining hall or checking out library books.  Students receiving financial aid were expected to work at least 10 hours per week.

As the decade of the 1960’s progressed, the college campus atmosphere inspired by the Camelot years of President Kennedy gave way to the increasingly anti-Vietnam war and civil rights movements.

New protest groups were spawned across campuses.  These included SNCC, Black Panthers, SDS and multiple other efforts to support social and political change.

In a partial final year on campus waiting for my date with Uncle Sam, I  saw a three-day occupation of University Hall and attended a student meeting where one of the participants placed a gun on the table to demonstrate his radical intentions.

Part of this campus mood was anti-business—all kinds, not just the protests against Dow Chemical or other business seen as supporters of war. Capitalist society was deemed responsible for the multiple wrongs protestors wanted to change in US public policy and social inequity.  No one saw business, or entrepreneurship worthy of academic attention or support.

Still, students would occasionally use their university setting to develop start up ideas.  One that became very popular in the ’60’s was Operation Match, a paper based computer analysis of questionnaires to provide participants names of potential dating partners. It was noteworthy, because it was an innovation that filled an ever- present social need.

Today’s Campus Environment

For the past decade there has been a revolution in both attitude and support for students in higher education who wish to create new business startups.

All of the top universities now have on-campus organized support, including courses for students and faculty who want to start new businesses.

A February 24, 2024 article lists the 14 Best University Accelerators and Incubators for 2024.

Every listing is a top academic institution including Harvard, Duke, UT Austin to USC and UC Berkley.

Here is a description of MIT’s multi-option effort which is headlined with its $100k Pitch:

  • MIT delta v: An accelerator program that runs from June-Sept for MIT students with the ability to receive up to $20,000 in equity-free milestone funding.
  • MIT NYC Startup Studio: A startup studio in NYC for MIT students and alums with the ability to receive up to $20,000 in grant funding.
  • MIT Fuse: A 3-week micro accelerator for teams with at least one MIT student as a founder.
  • The MIT Entrepreneurship Club: A community that wants to help MIT students start companies and connect them with startup jobs. Watch my interview with them.

‍Amazon web services (AWS) now sponsors a nationwide competition for university based startups:   It’s no secret that some of the most successful startups were founded by members of the university community: from Ava Labs to Anyscale and InsightFinder, to name a few. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we believe this is because students and faculty are often creative thinkers who are willing to take risks and collaborate with their peers—all essential qualities in a founder.”

“For current Harvard students, the Venture Incubation Program (VIP) within Harvard’s Innovation Lab fund is a 12-week program with mentoring and resources. Harvard’s Innovation Lab also hosts the President’s Innovation Challenge, where students can win funding money of up to $75,000 for a great idea. Judging criteria includes viability, empathy, rigor, ingenuity, traction, economics, and impact.”

The George Washington New Venture Competition (NVC)

Here in D.C. George Washington University sponsors an annual competition inviting students, faculty and their supporters to present business proposals and collect cash prizes and other forms of startup support and counsel.

Three finalists compete in one of four startup categories:

Consumer Goods & Services

Business Goods & Services

Social Innovation

Health Care & Life Sciences

Each finalist prepares a one-minute video of their business proposal.  There are immediate cash prizes plus additional consulting and funding support:

  • First place winners selected from these tracks will each win $10,000
  • 2nd place cash prize $7,500/track
  • 3rd place cash prize $5,000/track

Companies have one year to register as an LLC to claim the money.

To see these young entrepreneurs’ ingenuity, passion, and commitment I would encourage you to sample one or all of the 12 finalists’ sixty second  pitches which you can find here.   Several that were intriguing were Siyeh Tech’s entry to accelerate the “Speed of Peace” after conflict, In-Locater, and Goal Plus.

All of these business ideas are either conceptually complete, if not already in beta.   George Washington’s New Venture Competition is one of many in the higher education community.   This is not only an “educational” institution responding to students’ interests; in some the university benefits from partnering as startups go to scale backed with venture capital.

These competitions are not standalone events such as a campus springtime arts festival.   These programs are supported by courses, different “labs,” seminars and lectures on the art of pitch preparation and visits by university alumni speaking on their business success.

These educational innovations are helping to spark an ever-renewing stream of new business ideas with support systems intended to foster success. Students are encouraged to jump into the capitalist world and perhaps reap fame and fortune.

Simultaneously a parallel change for venturing has developed for college athletes. They can now receive income from their Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) endorsements by private businesses.  Caitlin Clark is not only Iowa’s leading basketball player, but she also appears in commercials while her games are being broadcast.  She may be the first million dollar undergrad student-athlete.

And Credit Unions?

Unlike my era in college, higher education is an active participant in American enterprise.   What does this have to do with credit unions?

Cooperatives are missing in action.  Students are not learning about personal finance from credit unions.   Credit unions which have students in their FOM’s often see them as a secondary market opportunity.

Every company, professional sport franchise, consumer product, auto manufacturer etc. must resell its brand to the next generation of users.  Or face the prospect of going out of business. Product loyalty, like religious observance,  is not easily passed down in a family in today’s society of instant access and social media.

If credit unions miss this generation of college students, will they ever catch up as they move on in their careers and families?

In the 1980’s, NCUA played a very active role supporting new student led credit unions as described in this post.  That effort is missing today.

Credit union’s absence from college and university campuses feels like a missed opportunity for attracting this generation of self-help innovators and strivers.  How do coops become part of  this new enterprise engagement by student entrepreneurs?

A Valuable Source for Your Morning Economic Briefing

I recently subscribed to Reuters’ free daily Morning Bid U.S.  

It is a succinct summary of key rates, economic announcements for the day and selected articles about important events.  Today’s is the JOLTS report.

You can sign up here. It is one of 18 Reuters briefings.   The latest market updates are short and the commentaries accompanied by clear graphs.   Today also looks ahead tp Friday’s nonfarm payroll report for March.

A useful 60 second brief before reviewing the financial priorities in your credit union.


Easter Transformation


My Easter Dove 

by Henrietta Cordelia Ray

There came a dove, an Easter dove, 
       When morning stars grew dim;
It fluttered round my lattice bars,
       To chant a matin hymn.

It brought a lily in its beak, 
       Aglow with dewy sheen;
I caught the strain, the incense breathed, 
       And uttered praise between.

It brought a shrine of holy thoughts 
       To calm my soul that day;
I caught the meaning of the note,
       Why did it fly away?

Come peaceful dove, sweet Easter dove! 
       Above earth’s storm and strife,
Sing of the joy of Easter-tide,
       Of light and hope and life. (1910)


Easter’s Freedom

In a famous passage of Paradise Lost, Milton’s God acknowledges that He could have created Adam and Eve without freedom. But what would there be to praise? “Not free, what proof could they have given sincere / Of true allegiance, constant faith or love, / Where only what they needs must do appeared, / Not what they would?” (Source: Legalizing the Resurrection)

Two Biblical Stories and Human Nature

Today is Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. The day of the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest in the Garden  of Gethsemane.

Events on this and subsequent days include two intense examples of human motivation not limited to strictly spiritual contexts.  Rather the story shows how any individual might react to events in their own life.

Prophets and Honor

Every social system has ways of recognizing the successful and the benefactors of their profession. In credit unions a major event is the Herb Wegner dinner, the occasion for presenting lifetime achievement awards to honor selected leaders.

These traditions salute individual’s values and/or performance that fulfill the goals of the industry: profit, service, innovation,  growth or even longevity.   Some goals are very tangible, others more qualitative.

Those Without Honors

But whose contribution does not get honored?   The topic is raised at least twice in the New Testament:

In Mark 6:4 Jesus said to the crowd, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.”

And, in Luke 4:24 (English Standard Version 2016): “Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.”

Why this disbelief?  Does familiarity breed contempt?  Are we skeptical of any special insight let alone prophetic wisdom from persons we know well, have worked with over years. and who seemingly share the same experiences as everyone else?  Why should one peer’s views be trusted over another’s?

There is an inherent caution to see those among us, whom we know well, as having special insight versus merely expressing a different opinion.   Persons, often outsider who focus more on the message, are often more inclined to listen to these singular views.

Ordinary people can have extraordinary wisdom.  Sometimes their outspokenness make them unpopular with those in authority or leadership.   The “prophetic voice” is uncomfortable.  It challenges current shortcomings often with a passionate hope for a different future.  For those who are being challenged, this passion feels like anger.

I am not referring to the purveyors (often consultants) of innovation who promote operating improvements. The prophet’s concern is more deeply rooted in fundamental meaning and purpose.

The question for credit unions is, are there any prophetic voices challenging local or national priorities today?  Who might they be?  What is basis for their critique?

And if we can name none, what does that say about the state of our “movement”?  Has consensus trumped wisdom?

The Thirty Pieces of Silver

A second example routinely pulled from Maundy Thursday is Judas’ betrayal of Jesus in the Garden for 30 pieces of silver.

Think of how often this metaphor is used to accuse someone taking an action for monetary or other rewards seemingly to betray their personal beliefs.

Rev. Megan Brown takes a more nuanced view of Judas’ motivation:

“Judas was not a peripheral bystander, but one of the twelve, the inner circle of disciples who had accompanied Jesus in his ministry and in a shared, communal life together.

Surely Judas knew the implications of his actions. Surely, he knew that the chief priests and the elders were growing weary of this rabble rouser, Jesus, and that they wanted him gone. This exchange, and the kiss that follows later are ominous moments in the life of Jesus and his followers. They leave one wondering about Judas’ motivations. “

Judas was a believer. Some have interpreted his action as driven by deep disappoint that Jesus was not radical or bold enough in his Jerusalem journey.  The march from the Mount of Olives to the Temple should signal a rebellion against Roman rule, not a pacificist call to turn the other cheek.

Or, maybe he sensed that the multiple political forces mobilizing against this upstart rabbi from Nazareth were becoming too strong; so he decided to go to the other, more likely “winning” side.

Perhaps he was emotionally confused by the historical intensity of the Passover remembrance, the increasing crowd appeal of Jesus and the growing immanence  of a life-making choice.

What we know is that Judas deeply regrets his actions, attempts to return the silver coins and commits suicide.

Judas shows us the very human side of intense hope and belief. Is this a movement that will go in the directions I believe it should? Is there another option to this leader’s course of action? How does one express dissent if convinced current directions are not the best?

How many initial “reformers” give up their quest from exhaustion,  just to get on with life, and be comfortable with their peers?

Whether Prophetic Voice or Judas?

All movements have both personalities in their adherents.   We all might cite leaders who took courageous stands or whom we believe compromised their duty to their followers.

That is what makes leadership so critical, and often controversial.   It is also what makes public dialogue so vital.

We live in an era where there is continuing reinterpretation and debate after millennia about faith, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or just a value-centered life.   While many believe that truth, when proclaimed, is universal; even some would challenge that assumption.

The one common approach that all faith and other “movements” followers have ultimately taken to succeed, is to pursue these issues in community. People aligned with one another agree to listen and learn together how their differing perspectives can arrive at common purpose or priority.

The Necessity of Community

Scott Galloway has put the power of relationships in a much broader context in his precent post

“Within and across species, relationships are essential to surviving and thriving. . .

“Humans have speedballed the power of relationships. Physically we are weak, slow, and fragile, with mediocre senses and absurdly long infancies. Yet, thanks to our superpower of cooperation, we’ve dominated our environment and become the apex of apex predators. There are more birds in captivity than birds in the wild. . .

“We are wired to seek and sustain relationships and cannot survive without them. The future of the human race won’t turn on space travel or climate tech, but on our ability to attach to others. A sense that we matter, that we can call on and be called upon by others to ease burdens and celebrate joy.”

It is not coincidence that the last moments of Maundy Thursday’s Biblical events were spent in community.   Christians call it The Last Supper.

Music for Holy Week

Stabat Mater, by Antonio Vivaldi (1712). There have been many beautiful settings depicting the scene of the Mother of God standing in sorrow at the foot of the cross.






Friday Thoughts

Looking for deposits?

A bank takes a tactic from credit unions’ playbook:

Feb 8 (Reuters) – Bank of America has brought in $10.5 billion in deposits and investments in the last four years after making deals with companies to provide financial services to their employees, the lender said on Thursday.

On Immigration

In 2015, when the migrant and refugee influx from war-torn countries was considered of epic proportions in central Europe, one world leader stood out — German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a devout Lutheran.

During a public forum at the time, Chancellor Merkel was asked a question by a woman in the audience saying, What does that mean for us, what does that mean for our country and our identity? I’m afraid that it will mean more terrorist acts in our country by militants like ISIS.

Chancellor Merkel took a long breath before responding, and said, “Fear has never been a good advisor for us as individuals or for societies. Cultures and societies that are shaped by fear can’t grip the future.”

Effective Leadership

“Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.”  (source unknown)

How Bureaucracy Works

I recently became involved in a restoration project of a local church first built in 1829 and  designated an historical site.   One person’s observation on getting work approvals  to preserve this property:

Once I started dealing with County personnel and permitting and approvals, I found out another truism that everyone has to remember, IF YOU ASK FOR APPROVAL in Montgomery County, usually there isn’t anyone that knows enough to answer and they will have to check.

No one wants their neck on the line and no one wants to give an approval without someone else from the county involved.


I’ve done what is mine to do, now you do what is yours to do.

Peak Bloom-A Trifecta

Weather in the 70’s over the weekend caused the flowering trees to peak early this year.

Below are a star and loebner magnolias with a large cherry tree in the background.  Circled by daffodils.

Star magnolia up close.

Loebner surrounded by colorful friends.

A spring camellia in bloom.

Spring warms the soul, recovers hidden beauty and brings hope to life.

Spring’s Glory and Daylight Savings

On the Potomac, early morning rowers enjoy the sunrise, if not the workout.  From DC’s Jackson Reed High School boys and girls teams.

Sun appears.

Taking a break.

Cherry Trees will soon be near peak bloom.

Plus spring camellia and two lenten rose.


Personal Letters of Gratitude and Thanks: The Ways of Great Leaders

Over the weekend I was going through my parent’s personal records.  During WW II they had written each other  almost daily.  The letters are in 15 large manila envelopes along with photos and official documents.

My dad was an inveterate record keeper.  In his military file I saw this typed letter addressed to:

My Dear Mr. Filson:  and dated December 4, 1946.

It reads in part:

I have addressed this letter to reach you after all the formalities of your separation from active service are completed.  I have done so because, without formality but as clearly as I know how to say it, I want the Navy’s pride in you, which it is my privilege to express, to reach into your civil life and to remain with you always.

You have served in the greatest Navy in the world.

It crushed two enemy fleets at once receiving their surrenders only four months apart. . .

No other Navy at any time has done as much.  For your part in these achievements you deserve to be proud as long as you live.  The Nation which you served at a time of crisis will remember you with gratitude.

The best wishes of the Navy go with you into civilian life.  Good luck!

Sincerely yours,


James Forrestal     (The Secretary of the Navy)

A Personal Letter from Ed Callahan

Ed was was confirmed as NCUA Chairman in October 1981. Prior to this we had worked together for four plus years when I was supervisor of the Credit Union Division for DFI in Illinois.

I would soon join Ed at NCUA in December. Nonetheless he took time to write.

The letter was addressed to Charles Filson at my Wilmette, Il home, dated November 17, 1981.  It reads in part:


I’m sitting here in the in the Albany, N.Y. airport for my flight. I’ll probably have many waits like this in the future. It gives me time to reflect.

The past few weeks have been wild.  Now that the events are past, I’ve got time to think of all the good friends.  The only really important thing is just that-friends.

You have been one of the best. . .

Thank you very much.

I’m looking forward to our future endeavors.  We’ll have some exciting times.

E. F. Callahan

Signed Ed


Gratitude and Thanks

Neither of these exceptional leaders needed to write these messages of gratitude and thanks.  But they knew the success of their organizations depended on others, not their  individual capabilities.

Government service, whether chosen or drafted, is sometimes under appreciated.  Or worse, captured by the political divisions now seeding distrust of any government calling.

These two individuals in very different spheres of influence and responsibility, illustrate in these personal gestures, what makes great leaders in any organization.


One CEO on “Hearing the Truth”

“In a leadership role, it’s crucial to surround yourself with individuals who are comfortable telling you the truth. People naturally want to please the boss and tell them how great they are and might hesitate to disagree or deliver unpleasant information. It’s important to create a safe space where people feel comfortable voicing their opinions and assisting in decision-making.

“Everyone has a little bit of an ego. It’s nice to hear that praise, but that can make it too easy to believe everything is going well, so you must actively seek out different perspectives.

“Now that I’m in this role, I realize the importance of this kind of transparency. I knew it before, I’ve supervised hundreds of employees and billions of dollars in business, but now that I’m in the CEO role, I can see it even more clearly.”

Jenny Vipperman, President and CEO, ORNL FCU

Source: CEO Onboarding