Just a Coincidence?

Two news reports in one day on credit union failures suggest these events are merely different sides of the same coin.

First Story: 

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (May 24, 2021) – “The National Credit Union Administration today placed Empire Financial Federal Credit Union in Jackson, New Jersey, into conservatorship.

Empire Financial Federal Credit Union is a federally insured credit union with 343 members and assets of more than $3.04 million, according to the credit union’s most recent Call Report. Empire Financial Federal Credit Union serves multiple faith, occupational, and associational groups, and communities primarily located in New York, New York, and New Jersey.”

Second Story:

Former CU Service Center Co-founder Sentenced for $1M Embezzlement   By Peter Strozniak, Credit Union Times

“Joan Brown stole funds to keep her business and the six CUs it served afloat, prosecutors and defense lawyer say. . .

Starting in 2010 and through 2016, Brown embezzled more than $1 million, which was drawn on accounts of Cardozo Lodge FCU; O.P.S. Employees FCU; Chester Upland School Employees FCU; Triangle Interests FCU; Electrical Inspectors FCU and Servco FCU.”

NCUA liquidated all six credit unions in April 2016.

The Same Coin

These two events, I believe, are related.   The failure of six credit unions resulted from an embezzlement conducted over six years.   Six times six means that examiners had 36 chances to discover wrongdoing.

By moving Empire Financial FCU’s office 77 miles away to the main office of Municipal Credit Union, still in conservatorship, means a forced merger is underway.  Any doubt there might have been fraud in this case as well?

These repeated  credit union failures due to embezzlements that occurring  over years or for decades in the case of CBS Employees FCU, suggest that examiners  are either inadequately trained or just not up to the job of conducting routine reviews of general ledger activity and the accounts of key personnel.

In small credit unions with only one or two employees these reviews are straight forward and critical because there is little or no separation of duties.

The coin involved is the same: the members’ money in direct losses or via NCUSIF liquidations.

Hiding Shortcomings

The lack of transparency around these events enables NCUA to hide internal shortcomings until the facts are revealed in court cases years later-five  in the Times example above.  Post examination reviews are either not done because of the small amounts involved or the problem has been “resolved,” that is merged or liquidated.

The temptation for money handlers to commit fraud is endemic with the role.  That is why field exam contacts are necessary.   Simple audit steps and verifications help keep honest people honest.

These coincidental events suggest something is lacking in NCUA’s oversight of its smallest institutions. If shortcomings exist in this segment, one must wonder about examinations of larger, more complex credit unions whose activities include buying banks and purchasing other credit unions.

Is NCUA’s exam program up to the job whether the credit union be small or large?   Whether the review is simply balancing clearing accounts or complicated, such as using derivatives to mitigate risk?

Someone at the agency needs to own this challenge.  The first step would be to bring light to these failures as they occur, not in legal proceedings years later.  That public comment would put the agency’s examiners, credit unions and dishonest employees on notice that NCUA is alert for bad actors.



The NCUA Board’s Emerging Redesign

Since Todd Harper moved from a minority board member to chair in February, board members have become more vital in overseeing agency activities.  Their increasing dialogue and comments at public meetings, if followed through, could be a harbinger of greater NCUA accountability to the credit union system.

In theory, the board should be the true point of connection with, and representative of, the best interests of credit unions and their members.  In practice, chairman of different backgrounds, parties and ambitions have acted as the sole leader for the agency.  Some have openly stated and/or acted as though credit unions have no role in the agency’s spending, its problem solving, or its management priorities.

Some non-chair members have occasionally treated their status as a part time job, a public sinecure requiring only visibility at board meetings, like credit union volunteer directors.  That does not seem to be the case now.

Three Diverse Backgrounds

The opportunity for a more vibrant, effective board comes from the very different experiences of each member.

Kyle Hauptman, vice chairman is the newcomer and “outsider.”  No credit union background, a professional career in finance, he brings the ability to see the industry from an objective point of view.  To become a quick learner, his first decision was to find a senior advisor who had a deep knowledge of credit unions from outside NCUA and government.

Chairman Harper is the “insider.” He describes himself as the first NCUA staff person appointed to the board having served as Chairman Matz Senior Policy advisor and PACA director from 2011-2017.  He references his time as a hill staffer working on financial legislation and draws parallels with FDIC to support his views. Although his term has expired, he continues in place until his successor is appointed.

The board “veteran” is Rodney Hood who served on the NCUA board from 2005-2009 and was reappointed by President Trump again in 2019.  His positions are influenced by the priorities he promoted as Chairman from 2019 through January 2021.  However, as he is no longer in that priority setting role, his perspective from his earlier tenure seems to increasingly inform his approach.

The Signs of Change

Board decisions are usually determined in advance, or else not placed on the agenda.   Therefore, the discussion around reports, the dialogue with staff and the comments related to the agenda become more informative than formal policy votes.

The “Veteran”

For example, Hood has presented statements about his focus going forward.   He has used the phrase “evidence based” judgments versus relying on forecasts of future “facts.”   In reference to the corporate crisis which broke in his first tenure, he cited the virtue of “patience” as an important lesson when making consequential decisions in uncertainty.

He has commented on the agency’s management of the level of cash in the operating fund:

I will be asking tough–albeit fair– questions about the Operating Fund carryover balance

In my view, his most consequential statement in the May board meeting came during the request for credit union comments on the NOL level in the NCUSIF.  His words:

Again, Mr. Chairman, we must recognize that our model is a very different premium model than the FDIC’s model.  Credit unions are legally committed and bound to update a large majority of the fund’s equity contribution. Credit unions today provide the bulk of the capital contributions that are the basis of the fund’s soundness.  It’s a cooperative insurance system that we run at the NCUA.

This was a statement that every credit union would agree with. The fact is that credit unions legally stand behind the fund, not the government. More importantly it came during a week in which the chairman had endorsed legislation to change the NCUSIF’s cooperative model to be more like the FDIC.

The “Outsider”

Kyle Hauptman presents his topics in a more Socratic dialogue with staff. Several meetings ago, he referenced discussions during a credit union meeting indicating credit unions felt inhibited about critiquing examiner conduct.   He asked if it were proper for credit unions to record their meetings.  Staff waffled.   He then opined he thought it would be OK.

From his first board meeting he repeated his view that the agency is spending members’ money.  That NCUA has a fiduciary responsibility for these funds and should not be holding excess balances that credit unions can use more effectively making loans.  He stated the regulator should not have an “itchy trigger finger” when it comes to making decisions costing credit unions.

He has requested staff to enhance communication of board decisions with credit unions, preferably on the website.  One example was the process for distributing dividends from the AME surplus; and in May, how credit unions can present their views on the proper level for the NOL.

Perhaps the most heartening discussion in May was on the seemingly arcane rule for derivatives.  The back and forth with staff on the role of derivatives and later, on the changing reference rate for LIBOR, demonstrated a knowledge of financial markets that is very rare at the board.

The “Insider”

Chairman Harper has continued to put forward his views while at the same time affirming some of the comments of his fellow board members.  He supported a “look back” to assess the agency’s management of the corporate crisis.   He concurred with Hood’s description of the NCUSIF as a cooperative fund.  There appears to be no opposition to increased director reliance on actual facts versus that is the way we have always done it; for historical evidence versus hypothetical models.

His challenge is whether he can move on from his tenure with  Chairman Matz when she declared that “credit unions did not represent their members,” had “no interest in the agency’s budget,” and that as an independent agency, it “was not good government for the people who are regulated trying to participate in the budget making process of the regulator.”

The Big Test Coming Up

The most important issue on the horizon is how the board will respond to the comments submitted by credit unions on the maximum level of the NOL in the NCUSIF.

That cap now is 1.38, a result of decisions made in 2017 when the TCCUSF fund was merged with the NCUSIF.  From then till today, is the first time in the history of the fund, that the NOL has been set above 1.3% of insured shares.

This 2017 decision was preceded by a request for comments on the board’s merger proposal.  The two-person board received 663 comments during the 45 days provided.  The NCUA staff stated in its summary of comments that only 12 credit unions appeared to support the agency’s plan.  That is 98% were opposed.

A focus of the critiques was the false modeling to justify the NOL increase to 1.39%.   Credit unions universally opposed this action, yet NCUA changed not a thing from the original proposal.  Credit unions spoke, but NCUA did not listen.  Even when presented with facts that contradicted the agency’s financial assumptions.

A long analysis of this event is reported in Time for Real Credit Union Disruption.

Unity, Not Uniformity

Unity is not the same as uniformity. NCUA board members have different competencies and points of view.  Unity relies on reconciliation of differences, not giving them up. This is done by uniting around what is held in common. Hopefully, that core is deciding for the best interests of credit unions and their members, not NCUA, or even a specific political philosophy.

A pragmatic, fact-based approach can create unity for the NCUA board’s most critical decisions.  That could transform the board into  a true asset for credit unions that continues to appreciate not diminish in value.



An Emerging Board Design at NCUA?

A critical factor in credit union success is the board’s role.   Credit unions fail when boards are weak.  Board recruitment becomes static, CEO succession plans are lacking, and longevity, not oversight, the primary qualification for renomination.

In a credit union it is the responsibility of the CEO to develop the board as an asset of the organization.  There is no such direct responsibility for NCUA’s board. The three members are often selected by different administrations; political connections, not credit union knowledge, is the deciding factor in who is appointed.

If the NCUA’s board is to be an asset, it will require the efforts of individuals chosen with different skill sets, backgrounds and possibly differing views on the regulator’s role, to make it so.

The Current Situation

The current NCUA board is showing signs of designing a role that could be much different than in past years.  By leadership style and bureaucratic habit, the NCUA chairman often operated as the final authority with the board expected to follow along, even with a 2-1 vote.

An Initial Example of Board Redesign

A critical organizational skill is learning from the past, not in the that’s-the-way-we-always-done it, but a willingness to evaluate the effectiveness of critical decisions or agency processes.

In the February meeting all three board members agreed that a “look back” on the entire corporate resolution process could be helpful. What can be learned from this event in which projected losses in the billions and caused five corporates to be liquidated?

Today the surpluses are over $6 billion and four of the corporate’s shareholders will receive all (and two a bonus) or a significant portion of their membership capital shares.  This change of fortune in the tens of billions by itself would justify a reassessment.

The Value of Reviews

Effective board oversight can improve the agency’s capabilities going forward.   Transparency is enhanced and responsibility better understood.

A minor example of the benefit of the board’s public role is how the agency reports its management of the NCUSIF investment portfolio approaching $20 billion.  This interest revenue is the primary income source for the fund and its financial model.

At a time of an historically low Treasury yield curve in December, the question was posed, What is the NCUSIF’s IRR Policy?

Just 45 days later February 16, 2021, the NCUA’s investment committee invested $600 million for seven years yielding .90%, seemingly oblivious to the recent uptick in rates and the increasing talk of inflationary pressures.

February is the last investment report issued by NCUA. The March NCUSIF update included no transaction information.  With over $800 million in additional 1% deposits now in hand, it is highly likely that there have been subsequent investments.  Is the committee using judgment or just locked into a pattern of laddering investments whatever the outlook for rates?

A $16.8 Million Loss of Income

We know that less than 60 days after this February investment was made, the cost of this decisions versus waiting for another month or two to see the direction of interest rates.

With the 7 year treasury now running .40 basis points higher, the lost revenue versus investing  60 days later is $2.4 million per year, or $16.8 million over the seven year life.  The foregone revenue from just this short pause, would be $850K, an amount recovered in four months from the higher yield.  The security purchased in February will remain under water, less than book value, if rates do not return to the levels at the time the investment was made.

The Board as an Asset

The board is not making investments, but it should have a way of monitoring decisions especially in uncertain or unprecedented times.  Timely transparency, both for the board’s oversight role and credit union confidence in the fund’s management, enables both outcomes.

All three board members bring different experiences, capabilities, and points of view to their role.   Even if there are individual policy differences, that should not prevent all having a common goal of making the NCUA board a source of agency strength and of pride for credit unions.

I will describe tomorrow some encouraging signs of a more deliberate and substantive role emerging from recent meetings.


Questions from Cicada Coop, a Life-long Credit Union Member

Yesterday I began a conversation with a bug I had not seen for 17 years. My cicada colleague is unusual in that he was also a credit union member. A real fan of co-ops. His whole family had joined two decades earlier; all 10,000 located at Wilson Lane.

The Credit Union NCUA Relationship in 2004

His first question upon this reincarnation was how were credit unions doing? Specifically, he wondered if the mutual relationship between his coops and NCUA had continued.

From his backpack he pulled the 2003 NCUA Annual Report and began to quote from it as a reminder of what intra-industry efforts looked like back then.

Among the items he showed are the following excerpts from the Report.

Budgeting and Efficiency

“Last year NCUA continued its emphasis on accountability within the agency’s budget process conducting its third Annual Public Forum and Budget Briefing resulting in stakeholders have a better understanding of the agency’s budget and operations. The efforts put forth . . . have resulted in a more effective, efficient federal agency.

Among the notable accomplishments achieved are a reduction in staffing levels from the all-time high of 1,049 employees in 2000 to the 2004 budget level of 963, the reallocation of resources which included closing of one regional office and relocating another at as savings of $27 million over the next ten years. These are important ongoing internal agency initiatives that will continue to have high priority in 2004 and beyond.” (Pg. 5)

Cost Control and Transparent Operations Are Key

“The 2003 budget was $887,500 less than the approved 2002 budget.” (Pg. 8)

Overhead Transfer Rate

“NCUA remains committed to increased transparency in operating the agency. . .First in November 2003 the NCUA Board overhauled its method of calculating and assessing the overhead transfer rate. Calculated annually the new method is more comprehensive. The formula has been expanded to take more factors into account, providing greater equity and accuracy in calculating and allocating costs.

Second, the NCUA Board held its third public budget briefing and encouraged public attendance and comment. This open budget process serves to underscore NCUA’s continued recognition the responsibility to share all material budgetary considerations with agency stakeholders.” (Pg. 9)

Strategic Leadership Summits

“Each January the Office of Strategic Program Support and Planning (OSPSP) plans and executes NCUA annual strategic leadership summit. . . OSPSP conducted several stakeholder panel discussions during the 2004 summit to gain insight from various perspectives on issues and concerns facing the industry. Panels included CEOs from small and mid-to-large credit unions, certified public accountants, credit union consultants, and third-party service providers.” (Pg. 18)

My Response

I told Cicada Coop all the examples he chose had taken a U-turn while he was away. As evidence I said a recent NCUA Chair had declared in congressional testimony that: “An independent regulator is not answerable to the entities it regulates.”

He did not believe there could have been such a turnabout. He cited other examples of mutuality such as the six consecutive dividends from the NCUSIF to credit unions from 1995 through 2000. So, I said, come on inside and I’ll show you the videos.

Tomorrow I will share these videos and what I believe caused this rupture. And then his family’s reaction to this changed environment.

A Case Study of an Industry Collaborative Initiative

 Earlier this year I described a trifecta opportunity for credit unions.   The three challenges were:

  • Tapping the entrepreneurial interest of the current college generation;
  • Supporting new credit union charters to plant  seeds for future relevance and growth;
  • Providing leadership to prioritize opportunities for those left behind (DEI) due to historical inequalities.

An example combining all three elements was Gary Perez’s efforts as CEO of USC Credit Union to create a project to charter student led credit unions at the 107 historically black colleges and universities across the country.

Recently I found the following program that would seem to be an ideal way to meet all three opportunities.   And maybe jump start Gary’s efforts.  It reads as follows:

 Student Internship Program 

The OCDCU 2000 College Student Summer Internship Program was the most successful to date. The program creates partnerships between low-income designated and other credit unions (large or small) and college juniors and seniors to train and develop a pool of potential future credit union managers. The students selected are business, finance, or marketing majors. 

 With technical assistance grant stipends, the 2000 summer intern program matched 29 college student interns with 58 different credit unions. Stipends provided the interns totaled $72,500 in 2000 compared with $67,500 in 1999 for 27 students. 

Source:  pg. 16 NCUA 2000 Annual Report

 Wouldn’t a relaunch of this joint initiative now be a powerful signal of the credit union system’s responsiveness to today’s special challenges? Especially in an increasingly tight labor market?





Should NCUA Be Helping with the Country’s Immigration Surge?

The unprecedented flow of persons seeking to enter the US in the Southwest is at very high levels. This is a situation  that concerns many people of goodwill.

Should NCUA leadership be seeking full time staff to go on temporary assignment to help out?

If confirmed that this volunteer recruitment effort is underway, the situation raises important questions. These include:

Who at NCUA approved this request and under what authority?

How does the effort assist the credit union system which funds all the agency’s activities?

If NCUA can spare these “volunteers” for months at a time, how critical is their role in the agency to begin with?

If this is a proper action, why is it being done with no transparency?

The Cooperative Way

Finally, if the situation is so urgent and just, why not ask credit unions to participate?

When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the agency opened its office to volunteers and former employees to man telephone lines answering member calls and coordinate industry recovery efforts.

Few would turn away when asked to help one’s fellow human beings. But NCUA should follow the appropriate authority when asked to deploy its “independent” agency resources. More importantly, as a government agency such actions should be done with full public disclosure.

The Collaborative Advantage

On many occasions credit unions have  provided collaborative solutions to strengthen their system.  The resource sharing and mentoring programs as well as the credit union funded NCUSIF and CLF configurations are some examples of agency-industry joint efforts. Volunteer capital is a cooperative advantage and value.

Increasingly however, NCUA leaders have pursued unilateral actions without industry participation or, when asking for comments, do what was proposed despite substantial objections.

Individual volunteering is the American spirit at its finest, whether the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or thousands of non-profit and charitable endeavors.  It is an unfortunate precedent for leaders in an independent agency to privately promote an activity, apart from its mission.  And for senior leaders  to then solicit their employees to take part.

The agency must be transparent; this is not simply an internal matter.  For it deploys personnel hired and trained with credit union’s fund for activities unrelated to the agency’s purpose. NCUA is not a private business or organization, but a congressionally defined institution.

Moreover, should something go awry, NCUA employees should have the confidence their good intentions are known and supported by the industry they chose to serve.

There is a right way and a wrong way to request staff to volunteer no matter how worthy the cause. Doing so secretly impedes necessary, open discussion and could bring unintended consequences tarnishing positive intentions.





Reader’s React to Posts

On NCUA’s 7-Year Investment at .90%

Where are the NCUA Capital Market Specialists when you need them? Did the NCUA shock test this $600 million investment in a +/- 100, 200, 300 bps environment?
For credit unions this is a required a first step. When I was a CEO, examiners forced my peers to sell long term investments at a loss after NEV shock tests. Appears such assessments are not applicable to the NCUA. This is not a smart investment in this phase of the economic recovery cycle. Who made this decision at Duke Street.? What is their ALM experience? Why is there no public discussion of this at the April Board meeting? Where is NCUA getting their investment advice?

Would the persons responsible lock up their personal savings at a rate of .90% fixed for seven years? Commonsense says absolutely not. So why lock up credit union’s collective savings this way?

Investing in treasuries is not rocket science. When this $600 million dollar launch crashes in value soon, it is credit unions that will pay the cost. What is the end game? This $600M will have a huge decline in value as rates move up in the coming months or years.

The NCUSIF has a backup plan in the NCUA. When the NCUA needs to raise more revenue, they play the A word…Assessments. This is why my CEO peers and I read NCUA as Not Credit Union Accountable.   Never  Shocked. Just Disappointed.   Stuart+Perlitsh

On Watermelon Oreos

Can I interest you in some Marshmallow Peeps Pepsi?  Esteban Camargo

 On Berkshire’s Annual Meeting

I grew up in Nebraska and have attended the annual conference in person.

The comment about two 90+ year-olds holding court, taking unscripted questions live, for over four hours is an example I have used several times during presentations to CU CEOs and board members. I have a great photo of 12,000 attendees in the downtown arena with Warren and Charlie sitting at a modest table on a makeshift stage.

After the first annual meeting I attended, I walked away with great appreciation for how Warren could take complex concepts and distill them down to a few key points and tell it with a story people can relate to. . .

The takeaway I see for credit union CEOs and board members  is as follows:

1) Financial services is a system of numbers and tradeoffs. It is imperative the board elevate and self-educate to a level of acumen that can appreciate not just the numbers, but the nuance of the numbers. It’s difficult to effectively govern otherwise and can lead to risk avoidance (rather than risk management), inefficient deployment of resources, and at its worst, an incorrect assessment of reality.

2) Financial services is a system of numbers and tradeoffs (Part II). It helps when the CEO has enough mastery of the numbers not to just explain them, but to teach their subtlety to an audience that has not worked in financial services or does not have a significant amount of their net worth tied up in a financial institution. If a CEO wants a role model, watching Warren work his craft is a great place to start.

3) When 1 and 2 listed above are not present, it leads to distrust among the parties. The CEO will over-simplify things to gain trust, but when a simple explanation won’t satisfy a complex problem, trust may be eroded.

4) When 1 and 2 listed above are present, greatness follows because attention is shifted to higher order items, built upon a foundation of trust and understanding.  Mike Higgins

 On Jim Blaine’s Inaugural Address

“Because I could never accept that in America those who had the least and knew the least should pay the most for financial services.”   Well said!

I’m planning to create a Wikiquotes page about cooperatives. Wikiquotes is a sister project of Wikipedia, that collects quotes from people and about topics. This is going into the page! Leo Sammallahti

On Rex Johnson, Player Coach

I read the Player-Coach article early this morning, which caused a bit of reminiscing about Rex. In 1978, fresh out of college and having moved from downstate Illinois to Elgin to find work in a period of high unemployment and high interest rates, I entered the HFC management training program. That is where my path intersected with A. Rex Johnson for the first time. As chronicled in your article, he worked his way up to District Manager at Household, a position responsible for approximately 10 branch offices in Illinois and Indiana. The Elgin branch was a stop in my training period in 1979 and in 1980, Rex promoted me to my first branch manager assignment. He would leave a short time later for the position with the state. Rex would always look at the glass as half full and despite the high interest rates charged, the exceptional delivery of customer service enabled this company to thrive for many years.

Fast forward to 1985 and a job opportunity for a lending supervisor position was posted at what today is Healthcare Associates Credit Union. I applied and received an interview and thoroughly prepared for that. As we began the interview, Dan Vaughan, the general manager of the credit union was very casual and asking more questions about my personal interests than professional qualifications. Possibly half-way through the interview it became apparent that the job was mine if I wanted it. This puzzled me as beyond a resume, he didn’t know me from Adam.

He went on to tell me that he too had been a branch manager at HFC and worked for Rex. Positive feedback from a person who would become one of the greatest influencers in the credit union industry provide the break that brought me to our industry 36 years ago.

The first time I heard Rex speak to a large credit union audience was at the Illinois Credit Union League convention, possibly in 1985. He gave the same message about lending that we constantly heard at HFC, except now we had the advantage of extremely competitive rates and were the good guys, not a lender of last resort. Over the years it was always enjoyable to listen to his presentations and his message would serve as reminders of the block and tackling steps we need to consistently perform to build strong and lasting relationships with our members. I’ve done my best to teach people throughout my career, but nobody did it like Rex Johnson, with his charisma and passion that was always genuine.

Thanks for reminding people of the journey and impact one driven and good man has had on our entire industry.       Jim Dean, CEO, Affinity Credit Union

Friday’s NCUSIF Fact

From the February 28, 2021 NCUSIF financial statement:


One T-note purchase for $600 million on February 15 with a fixed yield of  .90% for seven years.

This investment extended the NCUSIF’s average weighted duration from 1,184  to 1,243 days, or 3.45 years.

Would your CFO make a fixed-rate seven-year investment at this phase of the economic cycle for your credit union?  What would your examiner say?

The NCUA Board’s Actions Positioning the NCUSIF for the Future

The NCUSIF’s 1984 Annual Report describes the founding actions positioning credit union’s Fund and the cooperative system for the future.

“Between July and October 1984, the NCUA board considered at great lengths how to implement the deposit plan.  Every effort was made to listen to credit unions and their representatives,  Whether by phone, letter or in person, communications were continuous, spirited and open. Because of this input, a very workable plan for all was reached when the board adopted final rules at its October 9, 1984 meeting to implement the capitalization legislation.

First, the board waived the entire 1985 insurance premium.  Second, it ordered the distribution of $81 million in Fund equity.  This amount constitutes the Fund’s equity in excess of the 1.3% fund equity insured shares ratio the board established for the Fund, once the 1% deposit was received.   Because of these actions, credit unions will only have to transfer 85% to 90% of their initial deposit obligation to the Fund yet it can carry the full 1% asset on their balance sheets.

(Editor’s note:  credit unions transferred only .89% of insured shares and were credited with 1%-the Fund’s first dividend)

Because of this legislative achievement by the credit union movement and the regulatory approach taken to implement it, the Fund contains some very advantageous structural improvements:

  • The insurance fund will be fully capitalized at all times;
  • Fund growth will automatically parallel credit union growth;
  • Congressional concern about the Fund’s adequacy and the need to build public confidence in it will likely lessen. Future legislation will probably focus on the FDIC and FSLIC (which happened often);
  • The numerous operating options within the new deposit plan framework provide future flexibility for credit unions and for the Fund;
  • Credit unions will have a direct financial stake in the operation of their Fund.

In 14 years, members of federally insured credit unions have gone from the least well protected depositors in financial institutions to be the best protected.”

Source: National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund 1984 Annual Report, pages 6 and 7.



Jim Blaine’s “Inaugural” Address

As the CEO of America’s second largest credit union for 37 years, Jim Blaine had the unusual skill of translating simple cooperative concepts into profoundly valuable benefits for members.

Every member received the same rate for the same kind of loan.  Believing home ownership was vital to members’ financial security, he designed a 100%, non-conforming first real estate loan for any member with a simple explanation: “Why compete with the government?” (Fannie/Freddie conforming products)

He railed against FICO-determined lending decisions and risk-based loan pricing. This early use of “artificial intelligence” offended his belief in the uniqueness of each person.  Character and judgment, not computer algorithms, should be the basis for granting credit to members.

Words Matter

In addition to steering State Employees North Carolina Credit Union, Jim was a wordsmith.  His blog, and his talks, were audacious, controversial, fun to read and based on core principles.  “Sometimes wrong, but never in doubt” was his tagline. His writing style and graphics were intended so that a reader immediately got the message.

He understood that a leader’s influence was in direct proportion to one’s ability to communicate. To the entire crowd: fellow-believers, opponents, the uninterested and the unwashed, meaning those who corrupted cooperative values for self-interest.

Some of his most scathing and widely read observations were about NCUA, a government agency which believed that its core purpose was to tell credit unions what to do, or not do.  Examiners would constantly challenge Jim’s traditional implementation of credit union purpose.  He would use the agency’s own words and facts to demonstrate the lunacy of their demands.   When he dared to break the code of silence NCUA imposed on examiner ratings and publish his credit union’s score, the regulator wreaked vengeance on the entire North Carolina state-chartered system.

Jim’s most enduring gift to the “movement” may be his writings.  As Churchill stated: “Words are the only thing that lasts forever.”

The Course to Be Pursued

In an inaugural address more than 157 years ago, the speaker gave “a statement of a course to be pursued.” That course concluded with this purpose:  “with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds. . .to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves. . .”

Lincoln used 722 words in 1864.  Jim’s 503 words address the legacy Lincoln hoped the civil war would resolve.

Jim speaks to the goal of a “lasting peace among ourselves” based on economic fairness and justice, core principles of the cooperative ideal. Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness are matters of the heart, much more than policy; something to practice in your life, rather than just preach.

Jim followed his own drummer when leading his credit union.  I believe these latest words will inspire all and even provoke some to answer his closing call for individual acts of rebellion!

Blaine’s “Inaugural” Address

(March 18, 2021)

“I am truly grateful to the African American Credit Union Coalition for this honor. The organization is remarkably successful and on the rise! I have known many of its leaders for a lifetime and have often sought, and even heeded, their advice! We shared a common bond – a belief in credit unions.

My life has been centered around my family, my wife Jean, and credit unions. Why credit unions? Because I could never accept that in America those who had the least and knew the least should pay the most for financial services. I believe that credit unions were created to correct that injustice. In the words of Thomas Paine – a true revolutionary in all respects – “I have always objected to wealth achieved through the misery and misfortune of others”.

That economic injustice continues to thrive in our financial system today. Credit unions remain the alternative, the best hope, the answer.

We all confront an uncertain future, and many folks would like to rewrite the past. You and I know we cannot change the past. But if we have credit union leaders with integrity, courage and character; we most certainly can reshape the future…but changing the future is very hard work. Arthur Ashe, the great American tennis player, described the credit union leaders we need. Ashe said: “True leadership is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, true leadership is the urge to serve all others at whatever cost.”

One  word of caution as we look to the future and choose our new leaders; let’s make sure that diversity, equity, and inclusion is not a false guide, a false prophet. Can we really tell how diverse a credit union is by looking at the faces of our boards and leaders? Choosing our leaders by their race, their gender or their age is the old way – more of the same. We need a new way for credit unions.

And, the new way is to judge people not by how they look, but by how they think. As a famous preacher – I believe his name was King – said over fifty years ago: “Hopefully my children will be judged by the content of their character.”  Yes, let’s truly diversify and choose leaders based upon the content of their character. That is a more difficult, complex task, but our future depends upon it.

By the way, if you want to get a jump on reshaping the future, try starting a little personal revolution of your own. Next time you are filling out a form and come to the question of “Race?”, drop down to “Other” and write “Human”. When you reach the ethnicity question, drop down to “Other” and write “American”. And of course when you reach the question on “Sex”, drop down to “Other” and simply write in “Yes!”….and the world will begin to change!

Onward and upward – for all!… With the African American Credit Union Coalition leading the way!

Thank you again for this honor.”