A Response to: Do Small Credit Unions Matter?

My June 2 blog ended with this hope:

Two factors suggest this decline in small credit unions can be addressed.

The places of economic disparities and need are as numerous now as any time in our history.  The human spirit of solving problems and the values of cooperatives align with many seeking to bring change for a more equitable America.

From Great Britain came this response, used with permission:

Your published pieces are forwarded to me across “the pond” by a valued co-operative credit union sister at American Airlines Credit Union Ltd.

The last sentence of your piece of 2nd June is a killer blow – a killer blow that spells out the co-operative credit union difference: “The human spirit of solving problems and the values of cooperatives align with many seeking to bring change for a more equitable America.”

Our leaders, both lay and professional, should “do” because they want to, not because they “must”.  Our leaders at all times must think “we” and not “me”, must be humble “servant” leaders and not imperial ones.

As shapers it’s our role to prospect for, discover, encourage and develop those folks regardless of their histories, as most often they will have talents and gifts that we have not got, nor ever had!!


Barry Epstein, M.IFT, I-CUDE

Co-Trustee – ICULD&E Foundation/Director ICULD&E Co.Ltd

Awards Office – “Edward Filene” & “Joe Biden” Credit Union Awards for Excellence

Act Local-Impact Global

As in many areas of life, America’s example for good or otherwise, has implications beyond our borders.  The world is watching how our cooperative financial system responds to today’s members as a unique component of the globe’s largest capitalist economy.

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