A Book Illuminating Recent Credit Union Struggles

July 30, National Whistleblowers Appreciation Day, is the publishing date for Community Capital,  Race, Equity and the Credit Union Movement.  

Here is a brief excerpt by Clifford Rosenthal, one of the authors.  The book’s principal case study is in Part Two. It is the story of Kappa Alpha Psi FCU and its abrupt liquidation in 2010 as recounted by one of the participants, and co-author, Michael McCray

From The Historical Context, page 20, by Clifford Rosenthal (used with permission):

     On August 3, 2010, without notice, NCUA seized and liquidated KAPFCU, sending out checks to close member depositors accounts. KAPFCU was effectively dead and gone.

      Why was KAPFCU’s case so important? For decades before and since, a steady stream of liquidations and mergers decimated the ranks of Black and other credit unions serving communities of color. Our Federation lost many small credit unions, painfully including many Black credit unions with roots in the Civil Rights movement and even earlier.

    But KAPFCU did what no credit union in our movement had dared to do during my 30 years at the Federation: they fought the liquidation in federal court.

    KAPFCU’s fate could have been—should have been—different. Had KAPFCU prevailed in court, Michael argued, KAPFCU v. NCUA could have been the landmark Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education case for the credit union movement.

 On Vacation

Next week I will be away at a singing camp working on Ralph Vaughn Williams’ A Sea Symphony and Five Mystical Songs.  Upon returning, I will post a number of key moments from the book to illustrate both the content and the style.   It is a glimpse into NCUA actions long before the letters DEI were aligned together.

In the meantime it can be ordered on Amazon for those who can’t wait.

An Incumbant’s View of Democracy


“Tonight I taught my kids about democracy. 

First, they all voted on pizza toppings and which movie they wanted to watch. 

Then I chose the pizza and the film because I have all the money.

This  “officeholder” view reminds me of the chairman of some credit union Board’s nominating committee. “I choose the names because I have all the . . .”

Foundation Documents:  When Words Matter

“Polonius: What do you read, my lord?

Hamlet: Words, words, words.”

While seeming to trivialize text, Shakespeare’s most glorious legacy is his words.  Hamlet’s response  illustrates his indecisiveness at that point.

Some words matter more than others. The National Archives has just added two Foundation Documents to the three preserved under glass in its Rotunda: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  This legacy of words formed a new country and continues to motivate debate and political action today.

The two additional documents which can be seen in their original form for only the next three days are the two emancipation proclamations.   The first is Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of the bloody civil war. The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

The second is General Order Number 3 issued in Galveston, Texas, nearly 160 years ago. June 19th is the day the people of that city learned of the existence of the Emancipation Proclamation and its promise of freedom for enslaved people in the United States.

But it took more than a General’s Order as related in this article:  The last two sentences of General Order Number 3 stated, “the freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.”

This foreshadowed the struggle for fair treatment and eventually led to the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865, which ended slavery in all states; the 14th Amendment in 1868, which provided citizenship, due process, and equal protection to all persons born or naturalized in the United States; and the 15th Amendment in 1870, which provided the opportunity to Black men to vote and hold office.

What Makes a Foundation Document?

The addition of the Emancipation declarations to the three original Revolutionary era ones, show that America’s founding ideal of freedom is not won and done.  It is an ongoing process subject to challenge.  Always a work in process.

The Archives Central Rotunda room is dark and cavernous.  The documents are barely visible in light equal to four candles, the original illumination.  Its temple-like appearance is appropriate for these articles of political faith.

Below the Rotunda is the  Rubenstein gallery with its more active historical description of multiple citizen campaigns to attain the rights promised in the Rotunda’s collection.  One educational purpose in showing these historical, and ongoing struggles, is that freedom is fragile.  It requires effort and constant vigilance.

Entering this exhibit are the words: “The great glory of American democracy is the right to protest for the right.”  The major controversies and generation long battles for equal rights are profiled in multiple contexts from slavery, women’s suffrage, union organizing and Pride protests.

Do Credit Unions Have Founding Documents?

How does the cooperative movement fit into America’s ever-evolving quest for greater individual and social freedoms?

Certainly, fairness and economic equity have been an important part of the political debates from the very founding of the initial colonies.  Building cooperative financial options to counter the overwhelming concentrations of capitalist power and control was an essential part of the  progressive reform initiatives in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

But do credit unions have “foundational documents,” that is words that motivate and energize when someone  believes and acts on them? Would words like Member-owned;  People Helping People; or some longer statement from Filene, Estes Park or even later in credit evolution be essential for understanding today’s movement?

Many credit unions have an About section on their web site providing the story of their beginnings. Some will even show continuity with the institution as it exists today.

The difference between a story of words, and a founding document, is that the latter still animates today’s leaders.  These are people who believe that the credit union ideal, like freedom itself, is a never ending struggle between the status quo led by those in charge versus the needs of those left out or behind.

Benjamin Franklin is quoted in the Archives’ Rights exhibition:  “There is truth in the old saying that if you make yourself a sheep, wolves will eat you.

If a credit union has difficulty identifying its founding documents,  it is not because these do not exist. It is because they have been forgotten or overridden or, more likely, just eaten by wolves.

To honor and celebrate those on whose shoulders we stand, professionally or personally, take a moment to find that family, organizational or external expression that captures your purpose.

If you can’t readily identify one, you might link to this site and read through an example of engagement powered by words.   Credit union member rights, like all rights, are just words until someone believes in them and acts to attain their full meaning.



Regulation as a Service

There is a growing use or reinterpretation of  business models where a critical product or solution is not managed in house, but rather outsourced to a third party.

Software as a service,” a term with multiple meanings, is one example.  Another I learned about recently was “banking as a service.” In this configuration the chartering functions are separate  from the back office support operations, which are run totally by a third party.

In these “service” models, separate organizations integrate their special skills to achieve common purpose.

There was a time and indeed an era, when credit union regulation was seen as actual “public service.” That is regulators were to serve the operations, needs and success of the overall cooperative system.  Their role was integral and supportive. Regulators were not a distant authority merely keeping lookout for and, if necessary, the cleanup  business accidents.

Regulation as a Service

The following are the high points from an extended list in an NCUA Annual report  for how the Agency, in its word, “served” America’s credit unions that year.  There were two categories:  Benefits and Outreach.

For credit unions benefit:

NCUA’s efforts to reduce costs and implement efficiency resulted in federal credit union paying 2.9% of $1.3 million less in 1997 to support NCUA operations.

The second consecutive NCUSIF dividend which returned over $100 million to federally insured credit unions  last October.  . . is a tribute to the strength and sound management skills of today’s credit union community.

At NCUA a major contribution to efficiency was fully implementing the new Automated Integrated Regulatory Examination system (AIRES).  It is a critical component to improve the examination process for both NCUA and credit unions.

Outreach Initiated

Last year 12 federal credit unions and 12 NCUA examiners participated in a pilot program placing examiners behind the scenes  in credit unions for two weeks.The purpose was to provide examiners with first hand knowledge of daily credit union operations.

NCUA began asking credit unions to evaluate their NCUA exam in a brief one-page critique. The goal is to incorporate improvements and to promote open communications with credit unions.

A technical highlight was linking NCUA to the World Wide Web.

The agency . .. launched a major effort to achieve a diverse work force and improve our employee’s quality of life.

(Source:  Page 6  NCUA 1996 Annual Report)

A Public Servant vs. An Independent Regulator

Following the corporate crisis in 2008/09, the NCUA board stressed their independence from credit unions. The revised corporate rules were imposed, not created in consultations. Other examples were the initial refusal to publish and take comments on the agency budget and the secrecy of the NOL calculation.  And later on, the risk-based capital regulation.

These initiatives and publications (A Guide to Credit Union Mergers) and proposed rules (closing all home-based credit unions) were from a position that “NCUA knows best.”

While some regulators will have initiatives from their experience with credit unions, many NCUA board members have little or no prior first-hand knowledge.   As a result they seek answers in the statutes, by looking across town to other regulators, or sometimes simply following the political winds of the Administration (Free market or Consumer protection are recent examples).

Weathervanes Responding to Winds?

To overcome this inexperience and/or knowledge gap, regulation as a service is one way board members can align their priorities with credit union needs.  Without this focus, it is easy to set policy by default. Look for where the wind is blowing the hardest versus what would assist credit unions to better serve members.

Instead of service for the public, NCUA becomes another Washington DC governmental “authority” directing members’ lives.

The interesting part about the verbatim accomplishments reprinted above is that most of these initiatives were not new.   But they reflected an attitude of accountability and support for the credit union community.   Not a bad place for any policy or priority to start.

Editors note:  For an even older description of this service approach read the article, Changing Role of the Regulator: Relationship Based On Mutual Respect,  by CEO Frank Wielga on pages 14 in NCUA’s 1984 Annual Report )


A Contemporary Father’s Day Parable

Most  are familiar with the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son.  It is from Luke chapter 15.

In brief: the younger son did not want to wait for his father’s death to claim his inheritance, and instead asked for it immediately.

Verse 13 tells what happens next:  The younger son gathered all he had, traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living.

Broke and hungry living with animals, he traveled home intending to tell his father in verse 19, “ I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands.”

Instead of the expected reaction of “you made your bed, now lie in it” the father instead, “was filled with compassion and put his arms around him and kissed him.” (verse 20)

The Parable Today

How do you react to this picture? Like the father or the elder son whose response was: “I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back who has devoured all your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him.”  (verses 29-30)

Lost and then found?  Compassion or condemnation?  Like all parables, this modern day event helps us see who we are.

Also a reminder on Fathers’ Day of who we can be.



What Credit Unions Can Learn From BND

Recently the Bank of North Dakota (BND) released its 2023 Annual Report of almost 80 pages.

The Report including the bank’s history (see excerpt below) is a creative example of an alternative financial institution thriving in the privately managed financial services marketplace in America.  Its ongoing success is the model for similar startups in other cities and states.

Founded in 1919, the bank is exempt from all state and federal taxes.  It is funded by receipts collected by the state government and its agencies.  There is no FDIC insurance but is backed by the state of North Dakota.

BND’s primarily lending activity is participation loans originated by the other financial institutions throughout the state.  It is a wholesale lender.   In 2011 when NCUA implemented new regulation requiring more member capital and reduced corporate operating and investment authority, the credit unions decided to close their corporate.  One of the factors was the option to receive much of the corporate’s  financing services from BND.

A Very Successful Year

The Dakota Credit Union Association has presented a summary of BND’s 2023 results. The highlights include total assets of $10.1 billion, record earnings of $192.7 million for a return on equity of 18.2%.

From the Association’s summary: The Bank originated and renewed 10,734 loans for more than $2.5 billion, bringing the amount of the total lending portfolio to $5.8 billion, a new record. The total portfolio increased by $394 million from last year. BND delivers both agriculture and commercial loans through 72 different financial institutions and their 218 branch offices. . .

In addition to these portfolios, BND administers more than $1 billion in legislative-directed loan programs, including school construction, state infrastructure, water projects and disaster recovery.
“Bank of North Dakota works closely with local lenders to ensure its programs are relevant and impactful,” said members of the Commission in a joint statement. The Commission, consisting of Gov. Doug Burgum as chairman, Attorney General Drew Wrigley, and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, oversees BND. “This attention to local needs is one of the reasons for the Bank’s success.”

A Bipartisan Embrace

Beyond the current success and its historical longevity, support for the Bank comes from leaders of both parties.  Gov. Doug Burgum is reportedly on Donald Trump’s short list of vice-presidential prospects.  Nowhere do we see opposition to this state-owned and managed financial institution that republicans or bankers in other states might call out as a “socialist enterprise.”  Its track record serving the agricultural, industrial and public financing needs across North Dakota has made it a vital component of state government.

The success of BND has spawned similar startups in other jurisdictions. The Public Bank of East Bay (PBEB) has hired a former Credit Union CFO, Scott Waite, to lead its fund raising and organizational efforts.  There is an attempt to pass state legislation for a city owned bank in Rochester, New York described in this June 3, 2024 article Why a Credit Union Wants the Local Government to Create Its Own Bank.

Both of these organizers cite BND as the model for their more focused local ambitions.

A Lesson for Coops?

BND’s longevity demonstrates the variety and innovative capacity of an open economy.   When NCUA closed down many financial options for corporates, other institutions were available.  Long time relationships and collaborative capacity were lost as the FHLB’s and other secondary market providers stepped up to serve natural person credit unions.

One might view these events as just the normal process of creative destruction that is a hallmark of competitive economies.  Or. it might illustrate that options are available or adaptable when existing institutions fail to fulfill their core purpose.

More History of BND

Page 11 of this year’s Annual Report provides a summary of the Banks founding.  Here is an excerpt:

If you lived in North Dakota in 1919, it is likely that you made your living as a farmer or rancher, or in a profession that supported farmers and ranchers. There wasn’t a great deal of economic diversity at the time.

When you put your grain on the railway to be delivered to an elevator in Minneapolis/St. Paul, you were given the most broken-down of the railcars, causing tons of grain to be lost along the way. You were paid for the grain that arrived in the Twin Cities, not the amount of grain you loaded in North Dakota.

You weren’t present when they tested your grain so you needed to rely on the elevator’s assessment, often thought to be more favorable to the elevator than the farmer. When a loan was needed, it most likely came from a bank in Minneapolis or Chicago, with interest rates in the double digits. It was unaffordable for most agriculture producers, and they barely squeaked by.

This set the stage for the Nonpartisan League to come into power, and as part of its platform, the 1919 North Dakota Legislature created the State Mill and Elevator, Workforce Safety Insurance, and Bank of North Dakota along with the Industrial Commission to oversee them.

North Dakota tax dollars would be used to support North Dakota residents. While it wasn’t the first or only state-owned bank to be created, it is the only one that has survived the test of time.

Do Credit Unions Have an Ethical Responsibility in Managing Members’ Money?

Over a decade ago, I asked a potential senior employee how he had first become aware of credit unions.  His response was when he was turned down for a loan after getting his first job out of high school.

He had gone to the credit union to finance his first purchase of an auto.   The credit union told him he could not afford his dream car, denied the loan and then showed him how much he could pay.   He found a different car.

This was not an uncommon example when I first began working with credit unions. Today’s credit union system is more complicated.  Every organization faces multiple decisions about what member activities and even industries they should be supporting with loans and business partnerships.

The following is a brief summary of some of these “opportunities.”

Crypto sales and Partner Brokers

Prior to the covid shutdown, the facilitation of crypto purchases was the latest and growing expansion of financial services.  Partnerships with crypto exchanges were announced with credit unions lending their reputation and operations for members purchase of this new form of financial instrument.

A recent article has summarized the numerous critiques of the crypto industry and the intense lobbying efforts to make these options part of the financial mainstream:  Crypto Just Got Exponentially More Dangerous.  Or in Charlie Munger’s (Warren Buffet’s longtime partner) immortal assessment:

“…A cryptocurrency is not a currency, not a commodity, and not a security. Instead, it’s a gambling contract with a nearly 100% edge for the house, entered into in a country where gambling contracts are traditionally regulated only by states that compete in laxity.”

Cannabis Sales

Another groundswell of credit union interest is in financing and supporting the growing legalization and distribution of medicinal and/or the recreational marijuana sector.  Political leaders such as Janet Yellen and Chuck Schumer have spoken publicly of the need to pass federal legislation taking marijuana use off the list of prohibited drugs.

One report from Marijuana Moment shows a total of 812 banks and credit unions reported actively working with marijuana companies in the second quarter of the 2023 fiscal year

Almost 30 states have approved some form of marijuana use.  Sometimes this is seen as an effort of social equity where a certain number or percentage of licenses are reserved for minorities to offset their disproportionate legal convictions prior to legalization.  NCUA board members, credit union trade associations and numerous credit unions have supported some form of a SAFE act by Congress to allow controlled distribution of cannabis.

Gambling and Sports Betting

With betting on sporting contests now legal in almost all states, credit unions have become involved in these transactions.   A report after the Super Bowl betting surge in CUToday discussed the increasing member use of online gambling sites,  As reported in the Article  Why Credit Unons Should Place a Bet on Paying Attention to Gambling from a PSCU analysis: 

Gambling, fueled by further expansion of government-licensed Internet gambling to a total of 38 states, posted strong results in February, the analysis added, noting debit purchases were up 39%, while credit purchases were up 11%.

The top three merchants (FanDuel, DraftKings and BetMGM) represented over 70% share of purchases in this single category that peaked in February, with Super Bowl LVIII occurring in Las Vegas, PSCU/Co-op Solutions said.

The full PSCU report is available here

There are multiple other sectors or activities that credit unions have been or could be involved with that might raise ethical questions.   These include financing of gun purchases, liquor licenses, interval level vacation home ownership and perhaps more recently certain kinds of medical care including abortions.

Some would maintain that these are not credit union issues, but rather decisions for how members choose to spend their money.  Yet for every loan there is a “purpose” section stating how the funds would be used.

In defense of their crypto relationships, several credit union CEO’s have justified their partnerships by saying members want this service and if we don’t provide it, they will just go elsewhere.   It is strictly members’ choice.

Others, as PSCU describes in its review of gambling activity, would maintain these are situations for financial counseling:

“While online gambling was once viewed negatively, it now represents a growth segment opportunity, particularly among younger demographics. This growth presents an opportunity to keep internal staff informed about this evolving transaction trend, as well as provide members with financial wellness education.”

Other credit union leaders would decide that these areas of transactions and for financial loans are inconsistent with both the purpose and values of the cooperative.

Many want to avoid the controversy altogether.   Each credit union, and each member, should be free to do whatever they decide to act upon with their charter or with their personal savings.

This quasi-libertarian view is appealing to many until one recognizes that each of these areas is controversial because there are enormous and proven downsides to both members and society in each of these activities.

Crypto investors do lose money.  In  online gamblng, once the winners are paid out, online sportsbooks keep between 5% and 25% of all the money users wager. In other words, online betters typically lose 5 cents to 25 cents for every dollar they spend on a sports bet.  Marijuana usage can become addictive.  Its long tern usage consequences are still not known.  America’s gun culture is unique in the world and the consequences in mass shootings and suicides are just one aspect of this worship of the second amendment.

No one can deny that members will always borrow for activities and purchases that others might disapprove of or seem over the top, just examples of life’s numerous “fascinators.”

The Need for Discussion: Never Value Neutral

One of the fiduciary responsibilities of leadership  is knowing what issues to bring to the fore and how these are to be presented in the context of an organization’s purpose.

For some the topics above are not an issue.  Credit unions are value neutral.  There are no issues of right or wrong, but rather just the pragmatic questions of whether activities are legal and can we make money?

This debate about the ethics of organizational activity is never ending.  Here is an excerpt from a discussion similar to the above, about whether teaching economics at a university is “valueless.”

One of the first things that the over 500 students who take Economics 10: “Principles of Economics” are taught each fall is the distinction between normative and positive statements; the distinction between stating how things are and stating how things ought to be

Giving undergraduates the impression that economics is a value-neutral discipline, and that studying it will entail no further moral judgment or inquiry on their part, is not only dangerous but also intellectually dishonest.

The notion that calculus is more important to studying the economy than ethics, history, or psychology still ignores just how socially constructed our current economic system is.

Perhaps it is true that the price people are willing to pay for a good is the best estimate of their marginal utility.

Perhaps it is true that it is rational for a consumer to always prefer more to less.

Perhaps it is true that GDP growth is always desirable.

But those are assumptions about the world. And students should be invited to question them.

An economics degree ought to, in our normative opinion, entail a genuine reckoning with the moral stakes of the field. A discipline that studies human behavior and the distribution of resources was never value-neutral to begin with.

I agree that credit unions are a “normative” activity and in the management of member resources require a reckoning with the moral stakes of their actions.  So let the debates begin.



When There Were Two National Credit Union Trade Associations

If you have ever speculated about what is lost in a merger of credit unions, leagues or trade associations, the following example may be a helpful reminder of why choice matters.

CUNA’s Letter on NCUA Leadership

The Credit Union National Association’s August 6, 1973 letter to the White House:

Dear Mr. President:

The members of the Executive Committee of CUNA, Inc respectfully and unanimously urge you to replace Herman Nickerson, Jr as As Administer of the National Credit Union Administration.  . .

We are urging General Nickerson’s replacement because we feel that his actions as Administrator are creating growing bitterness and antagonism throughout the credit union movement, and this is causing a serous loss of confidence and trust in his administration.  . . we would particularly like to call your attention to the following:

  1. General Nickerson’s arbitrary and authoritarian attitude in deail with credit union problems. . .
  2. General Nickerson’s excessive issuance of burdensome regulations. . .
  3. Diminishing morale among employees at the NCUA. . .
  4. General Nickerson’s refusal to cooperate on legislative matters. . .
  5. General Nickerson’s poor public image. . .

Signed by the entire executive committee including Herb Wegner.

NAFCU Responds

On August 10, 1973, NAFCU’sExecutive Vice President Jim Baarr wrote the White House:

Dear Mr. President:

We have received a copy of  the August 8, 1973 letter from CUNA  . . . signed by all members of the Executive Committee.

The letter contains a series of five charges against  General Nickerson. . .

We totally disagree with the five allegations contained  in the  August 8 letter.  . .

Allegation (4):  He has always cooperated whenever possible with this Association. . .

Allegation (5);  “General Nickerson’s poor public image.”  . . .I was not aware that  Mr Jack Anderson (and his column The Washington Merry-Go-Round) was the final authority in assessing an individual’s public image. . .

In conclusion, may I add that as a representative of the credit union industry, I am appalled that a letter of this type would be directed to you by a sister trade association .  . .  may I state on behalf of the officers and directors of NAFCU that we continue to give an unqualified endorsement and support to General  Nickerson.  . . 

(Source of letter excerpts:  NAFCU’s  Washington Line, October 1973,  pages 15-16) 

The Credit Union System’s Challenge Today

A current echo of this concern  of a single administrator is the ongoing political debate about the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and its lone Director.

The above debate on NCUA’s single overseer was real. The situation was resolved in 1977 when legislation was passed creating NCUA as an independent agency with a three-person board.  No more than two members could be from the same party.  The board structure was intended as a check and balance on the chairman’s power and to facilitate different points of view on policy and oversight.

As mergers continue to reduce the number of independent voices in the cooperative system, how are different and sometimes opposing points of view getting voiced?   The credit union community values relationships.  Public disagreement is rare.  Internal board dissent is even more likely to go unaired.

One hope is that the competition of ideas will occur in the “free market” and different points will automatically arise.  Rarely happens.  Mergers are often of competing organizations as in CUNA and NAFCU’s recent combination.  The same occurs in many credit union tie-ups.

Another hope is an independent press, but the structure and resources of oversight of these organizations are limited.  The general press rarely follows credit union events, unless there is a crisis. There is no requirement that institutions respond to press queries.

Finally, some put their hope for dissenting views in  external oversight by Congress or state regulatory or legislative activities.  The current effort to amend the federal credit union act to accommodate Navy’s management of a military bank, has found sponsors and opponents submitting their views to Congressional committees-which are then reported publicly.

When any industry is marching to a single drummer, sooner or later that approach will be found wanting.  Ensuring there is open and full consideration of differing points is how change begins. Defending the status quo can lead to irrelevance or worse,  purely self-dealing decisions.

Mergers at their core, are anti-competitive.  Anyone doubt that motivation?

One Credit Union’s Simple Unique Act in 2023

The $46 million Solutions First Federal Credit Union was founded in 1964 to serve members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers at Fort Novosel (formerly Fort Rucker).

Its main office is in Enterprise, AL with a branch in Ozark.  Over time the credit union has expanded to a community charter for  Dale, Coffee, Covington, and Geneva Counties, Alabama with an FOM of over 170,000.  Today its ten employees serve  5,000 members.

One event makes this credit union unique in the three decades since the turn of the century. It is the first and only credit union to borrow from the movement funded Central Liquidity Facility (CLF).

During the 2008/2009 financial crisis the NCUSIF borrowed $10 billion from the CLF on behalf of two corporates.  There was also an effort to create a special program for credit unions to refinance members home loans that never got off the ground.

So Solutions First is the first stand-alone CLF loan this century.  This unusual borrowing was noteworthy enough that it was mentioned by Chairman Harper in the December 2023 board meeting, but without any details.

A “No-Brainer”

At yearend 2023 credit unions continued to face liquidity demands due to the uncertainty caused by bank failures earlier in March and the Federal Reserve’s raising short term rates to almost 5% to fight inflation.

At the 2023 yearend 1,267 credit unions reported total borrowings in excess of $137 billion versus only $44.8 billion at December 2022.

Following the sudden failures of Silicon Valley Bank and two others, the Fed in March 2023 established a special borrowing facility, the Bank Term Funding Program.  This became the go-to source for credit unions.  The special facility was used by hundreds of credit unions as described in this analysis. The Fed ended the program in March 2024.

Frank Garrett is the CEO at Solutions First, having arrived eleven years earlier from a banking career.  He said the approach for a CLF loan had been suggested by NCUA examiners. The credit union was facing ongoing loan demand especially from its indirect lending program.  The credit union  was funding this with overnight borrowings costing as much as 7%.

By taking a short-term fixed rate $1.0 million CLF loan, the credit union was able to save almost 2%.   The process took about thirty days to become a member and receive the loan which was fully collateralized .  He called the decision a “no-brainer.”

Since that event,  loan demand has diminished dramatically, the credit union has curtailed indirect loans, shares have stabilized and investments yielding as low as 1% matured and been reinvested at 4.5% or more.   He was able to prepay the loan in the first quarter of this year.

In this first quarter, the credit union like many others, has slowly started a comeback from a difficult 2023.  The prior year saw staff cutbacks, expense reductions and above average delinquencies.

The  CLF loan was done with NCUA encouragement, a positive sign.   The critical question Is whether this an example to be emulated by others, or merely the last “bird of summer” ?



Do Americans Want or Need More Credit Union Charters?

The answer to the first question is easy.  On May 24, 2024 NCUA replied to Denise Wymore’s FOIA request for the number of new charters in any phase of the application process.

The response: “In June of last year it was reported there were 51. . .(Now) There are a total of 63 applications.”

Where is the Need?

NCUA did not provide details of the chartering efforts. Two broad examples of innovation by those looking for alternatives to the for-profit banking system have been covered in the genral press.

One example is the growing interest in “public” banks chartered by cities, counties or states to manage their funds and to support investments in local housing and other priority projects.  This is an example of an Oakland, CA based effort.

The second are those groups and/or communities not being served by existing financial options.

A long description of this demand is reported in this recent Washington Post analysis, Community crowdfunding is built on trust for immigrants.  The article gives two organic financial creations.  One is the Korean self-funding and self-help practice called Keh.  First developed in Korea following the Korean war, the financial practice was adopted in America by immigrants who were limited in the amount of funds they could take from to their new homes in this country.

The Post has followed this form of financing for the greater DC area over several decades.  In an article in 1990, it reported the Korean Association of Greater Washington estimated 80% of Korean American households belong to at least one keh.  It is the source of financing for local grocery and convenience stories, and more recently the ubiquitous food trucks serving the community.

The article states that Korean-American banks began to meet some of these local business finance needs in the late 1990’s with traditional SBA and other finance options.  “But the tradition of community-based microfinance has evolved and flourished in the years since-just as the economy has been reshaped by fresh waves of newcomers.”

“Unlike a traditional investment, the keh lenders earn no interest and no equity and have no say in the business. . .Instead, it is best understood as a trust-based financial support network that’s held together by concern over reputation.”  These efforts sound much like the original credit union model.

Financial Networks in the Latino Communities

The other example in the Post article is the creation of tandas among the Mexican community on both sides of the border.  Like keh, the immigrant communities rely on mutual trust; “the last thing they want is to be ostracized by their own community.”

One organization that is addressing the variety of financial needs of the immigrant community and those left behind is the Mission Asset Fund in San Francisco.  It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that in 2022 had revenue of $7.7 million.  Its Annual Report describes programs of micro finance, startup funding and training programs involving almost 20,000 individuals.

The Credit Union Challenge

There are multiple organic, people-centered financial solutions for individuals and communities which are not part of America’s financial mainstream, including the credit union system.   They serve those at the outer boundaries of financial experience who lack the history and resources demanded by traditional institutions.

Instead, they rely on an individual’s character and local community when extending financial services.  The solutions are diverse, experimental, dependent on good will and trust.

In theory the credit union charter in all its diversity and potential should be an ideal fit for these circumstances.  But for that to happen there is going to have to be a reawakening of purpose and priority for the cooperative community.   The charter interest and economic needs are there—but is anybody paying attention to these groups and their potential  as new startups?