A CEO Reports to His Team

Learning from others is how many inform their own leadership approach.  Each month Weokie FCU’s CEO Jeff Carpenter sends a briefing to staff about the important events.

The brief excerpts below are from his April update. Used with permission.

The complete report includes pictures, member testimonials, project priorities and performance numbers.

Open communication contributes to shared efforts with common purpose.  Both are vital for effective organizational performance.

Living Our Vision & Mission

WEOKIE adopted a new vision in 2022 and has been working hard to make the vision, not just words on a paper, but a reality. I wanted to pause a minute each month to share some of the “stories” of how we are  “making a difference, one person at a time”

Calculating the Coop’s Value

Why Cooperation Matters

“Cornerstone IMPACT 2022: I attended my first “in-person” meeting of the Cornerstone Credit Union League’s Annual Meeting and Convention entitled IMPACT.

“WEOKIE is stronger when we cooperate with other credit unions and the Cornerstone League is a great facilitator and cause agent for credit union collaboration.

“The meeting had excellent educational content and numerous opportunities for R&D (Research & Development, aka Rip-off & Duplicate) great ideas that other credit unions are pursuing.”

2 Replies to “A CEO Reports to His Team”

  1. Per the IRS 990 Income Tax 2020 it seems to be a great year for Cornerstone. Cornerstone has the best President/CEO money can buy at $667,897 (1099/W2) plus an additional kick of $13,697 in other compensation. As credit unions continue to decline in number, salaries for highly compensated management continue to grow exponentially. Is it any wonder? The board of directors is other credit union CEO’s. They approve compensation on the CEO that defies logic. The dues paying credit union pays the damages without any say in the payout. Recommendation: Put the CEO salary to a vote of the dues paying card carrying member credit unions. What % of Texas CU CEO’s earn the salary of their trade association CEO?

  2. Chip and honor and pleasure to be showcased in your blog. Special thanks to Doug Fecher, retired CEO at Wright-Patt CU for allowing me to R & D the concept of CEO transparency. Also, for those of you wondering about the “footnotes” on our Coops Value: 1. The difference is for member estimated savings since the lowering of NSF fees from $27.50 to $15 in September 2021. 2. The total is for the estimated amount saved in the first 12 months of payment for auto and mortgage loans. 3. The amount paid to members for insurance claims on GAP, MBI & Debt Protection.

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