Different by Design and CUSO’s

This week’s blogs are video excerpts of wisdom from prior credit union leaders. (best read in browser mode)

They still speak to our present circumstances as their core messages are timeless.

The first video is a very brief excerpt from Jim Blaine, CEO of SECU NC in 2010 reacting to the prospect of increased regulation following the financial crisis (37 seconds).  His view is referenced in the second vido.


In 2010 Dave Serlo PSCU President analyzes credit union performance during th 2009 financial crisis in a talk called Different by Design.  The context was PSCU’s annual users’ meeting.

In this 14 minutes he cites Jim Blaine’s remarks on regulation.  Most importantly he outlines opportunities for credit unions and the “credit union promise.”  He closes with four priorities for the CUSO.  Now is the time to be on offense, especially for expanded lending.

Dave was a remarkable speaker using no notes or other prompts.  Most importantly is his deep insight into the power and importance of the credit union model and CUSO’s.   His final words still resonate:  Carpe Diem, seize the promise of this day.


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