Credit Unions Support Ukraine

Yesterday I attended a briefing on the work of Via Stella, a Polish charity supported by the World Council of Credit Unions.

The meeting was held at Ukraine House in Washington, DC. Over 50 credit union people attended, including CEOs from the Polish and Ukrainian Self-Reliance credit union communities and multiple other credit union organizations and individuals.

The Foundation supports the millions of Ukrainian refugees in Poland with a three part “Pathway to Safety” program.  These steps include the safe evacuation from the country especially for women, children and the elderly; finding housing, education and jobs; and providing financial support via the Polish credit union system.  All funds go directly for these efforts; there is no overhead.

In an ad hoc, spontaneous fund raising moment, over $50,000 more was pledged in less than five minutes. The effort was initiated by credit union software entrepreneur Jay Mossman who pledged $25,000.  He urged attendees to match his initiative.  It was done quickly by the CEOs, directors and the board members of Via Stella.

There was no dwelling on the recent White House confrontation. There is no ambivalence about the circumstances of this war.  The purpose was solely to demonstrate the American people’s support for Ukraine.  This they did.

Their view, and the majority of Americans’ understanding of events, is shown in this front page New York Post headline.

This effort speaks louder than words.  For all that is said during the Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) underway now, in the end what is done is what matters.

One Reply to “Credit Unions Support Ukraine”

  1. Chip, this was a wonderful opportunity for us to show our support for Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers go out for this country and its people. Our hope for a quick resolution for peace.

    In the meantime, I ask those that can please contribute to this cause. It does so many great things. All your dollars go to the effort and nothing to administrate costs.

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