A Moderate’s Message on America’s Future

David Brooks (born August 11, 1961)[1] is a Canadian-born American book author and political and cultural commentator. Though he describes himself as an ideologic moderate, others have characterised him as centrist, moderate conservative, or conservative, based on his record as contributor to the PBS NewsHour, and as opinion columnist for The New York Times.

Here is a throughtful, entertaining and insightful presentation given last month in Great Britain on America’s direction.

His purpose is to put the current American angst about current issues into a longer perspective.  He sees our history as a cycle of cultural and political “rupture and repair.”

Of special note for credit unions and cooperatives, is his belief that the current trend is moving away from hyper-individualism to a more communal society.

Our moral formation is at the center of who we are as a people and as a country.

While the talk is a social analysis with several political references, his description captures some of the central dilemmas credit unions as value based organizations are also experiencing.

Credit unions are creatures of the society in which they operate.   You might want to ask if his critique of “elites” in America’s cultural life has parallels in your credit union and the larger movement.


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