This past week I have witnessed four grassroots fund raising for the Ukrainian people in my local area.
The first was a meeting (during the GAC conference) for the Polish credit union charity Via Stella. The credit union attendees immediately pledged $50,000. St. Andrews Ukrainian Orthodox asked for $2,000 to buy 100 tourniquents for civilian wounded in air strikes. St. John’s Norwood identified six projects totalling $12,000. The Kiev Independent requested donations to distribute their film documentary on war medics to six European capital cities.
The American public, despite Trump’s rhetoric and actions, know whose side they are on.
The French Lesson
The poet Robert Burns wrote this famous plea, “O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!“
Here is how a French Senator sees the American government’s actions versus Ukraine and Europe this past two weeks. On March 5, in French, with English subtitles:
America’s Prior Reputation Before Trump’s Pivot to Russia
The one message Putin fears the most from America. It may be old-fashioned, but clear, simple and effective.