Observations from Within and Without

How credit unions changed America’s financial Options

Credit unions reclaimed the idea of community versus total reliance on individual effort.  Its understanding that everyone matters and that everyone should have a chance at financial equity became a central premise of  American democracy.

Cooperative economic power changed the entire consumer financial fabric of the country.   Its opponents, external and internal, have worked to eliminate it ever since 1909 and 1934 put the option in play.

A CEO’s Favorite Leadership Quote:

From Colin Powell: ‘The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you’ve stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.’

On the Value of Small Institutions

What we don’t emphasize to kids, but we learn as adults, is that while the smallest animal may be crucial to our survival, it almost always ends up dead, swallowed up by a bigger inhabitant of the neighborhood.  Henry C. Meier

Future Forecasting

If you want to see the future of any movemen don’t look at its buildings or financial resources. Go look in the mirror and look at your neighbors.  Every movement’s purpose is sent into the world in human envelopes.




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