Bon Mots for Friday

We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.  John Dewey

I often tell people that many of the things we do don’t always make sense to business students– but I believe that’s part of our secret sauce. While data is important, people are more important, and our formula has always been based on taking care of people.   Doug Fecher, Retired CEO, Wright-Patt Credit union 

An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today. Laurence J. Peter, Canadian writer

We tell ourselves stories in order to live. Joan Didion

Didion also asks, sometimes implicitly, sometimes explicitly, what happens when you can’t trust the narrator? How do you know whose story to believe? What happens when all stories are both believable by some and unbelievable by others? What happens to that community storytelling creates when the members no longer agree about their story?   Dr. Andrew Roth

There’s a difference between a procedure update and a process improvement. A procedure update might edit step nine in a 10-step sequence. A process improvement reconsiders why there are 10 steps at all. Jimmy Lovelace, Senior Vice President, Community First Credit Union of Florida

A writer annoys his readers by writing too much.

For weekend reading:  It’s Time to Remind Members They are Owners, by Henry Wirz, Retired CEO, Safe Credit Union

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